Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

THE STATE JOURNAL, LANSING, MICHIGAN.TRIDAY, MAY 29, 1931 VarTi. jl 1 Baseball Game with Notre Dame Is Holiday Sports Feature at Michigan State ELKS OPEN SEASON ATHLETICS RALLY SOUTHPAW BATTLE "Believe It or Not" By Robert Ripley Memorial Day Sport Program New Grid Mentor At Central State UPSET TIGERS, 3-2 THE NAMES OTlWo EXtWTiVt OTflCEM OF THE LUHBIRMLK'5 MuTurU INSURANCE COMMN ARE NAIL amp KGG BLoopy tMCUSH EXPtltVE -HA5 NOTHING TO DO WITH BLOOD IT IS A CORRUPTION of "BMYIADY" 1h Famous STRICKE iMb of Wimborne AUTrtOly tTRlCKE A CHURCH on CHURCHyARD NOR UNDERGROUND MOR OVER ANh HE WAS NOT ANB HALF OVER-MElTrltR. Wimbcme. 'TrltPEAR lU, WJikM.y Coach George Keogan May Pit Lisicki, Star Left-Hander, against Griffin SPARTANSARE CHAFING Two Defeats in Chicago Arouses Team; Third Base Job Again in Doubt 8 martins for revenue as the result of their two defeats suffered at the hands of western conference teams during the past week, the Michigan State college team drilled Friday In anticipation of swinging back Into a winning stride in the game with University of Notre Dame. The Spartans and Irish will clash on College field Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock In a Memorial Day sports attraction.

Coach Jonn Kobs and his athletes arrived at home Thursday from their Chicago trip. They went right to prac tice In an effort to remedy faults that cropped up In the defeats at the hands of Chicago and Northwestern. True the losses were only by a one run Keen Races Seen For Five-A Meet Close competition, with good marks In nearly every event. Is assured by the second annual Five-A league track meet which will be held in the Michigan State college stadium Saturday morning at 8:45 o'clock. Lansing Eastern is defending champion, and comparative scores in the state Interscholas-tlc meet last week Indicate that the Quakers will be hard-pressed by Ann Arbor.

Both of these teams have several stars and a bitter battle for first place is anticipated. Jackson will also provide some good individual performers, as will LaiiMru Central. Battle Creek Is nut expected to furnish any gTcat amount of competition. margin In each instance, but Coach Kobs has not been accustomed to seeing his teams drop games in streaks as they have this year. On three occasions the Spartans have lost on consecutive days.

Can Brighten Record They were tripped by the University of Mississippi on the southern training trip this spring, lost a pair to Hosel university of Japan and this week bowed to the Maroons and Wildcats. The season has not been without Its bright spots, as Is attested to the victory over Michigan and the defeat of both Western State and Michigan vturuiHi, an uiree contestants in me mythical race for a Michigan collegiate championship. Within the next four days the Kobsmen can brighten their dulling record by defeating Notre Dame and taking the measure of the University of Indiana in games scheduled for East Lansing on both Monday and Tuesday afternoons of next week. Notre Dame looms as the most for- tnltahl nhctnnlA Racnhall rlvalra witn me soul ii tscna team is almost is intense as tnat witn itncmcan. year the Spartans turned back Notre Dame twice, something in the way of a record.

May See Southpaw Duel i Coach Kobs expects to call upon: Charlies oriffin to pitch against tor only two innings against the Big Ten teams this week, coming to the relief of Berwyn Pemberton against Northwestern. The workout should have placed him in shape for a good performance Saturday. If Coach George Keogan calls upon his star moundsrsan. Lisicki, a nice pitcher's rMiilt. Lislrlci haa the APPEARS IN 0 OTTO RlNDELHARDT Brew Master GM'kng Bmuieries.

t. age 77- has drunk average of 25 bottles of Beer and ale every day for. 25 years Ut HAS NE.VE.R MlSStD A PAYi WORK) made AVOW NOT To BE BURIED in HlS BOD IS NOV!) HALF UflMRGBOUriD WSlDE. A CHURCH NOR OUT CeXT OK THt KlTcHtM Co 1 V-f 'Able was originally used as a substitute 0uxed by Mrs. M-Midln.

1 Chestnut Alba, Y- Ijjnj IWl. Ium Ft Hum JattGrcrt Bnlin njttu rrtemMt EXPLANATION OF YESTERDAYS CARTOON JACQUES BOERHAVE WAS EXECUTED FOR MURDER COMMITTED 87 YEARS BEFORE Jacques Boerhave. of Xantcn, died on the executioner's block in the city of Hanover, Germany, in 1844, after royal clemency was denied him by King Ernst. The murder for which the 1757. It came to light when the victim's skull was dug up accidentally and nail still Imbedded in the skull was the cause of the death.

Ownership of the nail was traced to Boerhave, who was 104 years old at the time he was executed. See: "Jahrbucher of Xantcn, Auszup, Vol. 2, PP. 12-14. CARBOLOY Carboloy Is the name of a cemented carbide alloy (tungsten carbide) material.

Its hardness Is such that it lamp filaments. TOMORROW: "THE MAN WHO SPOKE 70 LANGUAGES" Glenna Collett Loses Match to Cupid-Engagement Announced Sorrell Is Victim of Early Game Bally Bine and Wat. wood Lead Attack BENGAL THREAT NIPPED Manager Harris Takes In Helping to Score Final Bun in 9th CHICAGO, May 29 VP) One biff Inning, the third, when they bunched four of their 10 hits, gave the Chicago White Sox a victory over Detroit Thursday, 3 to 7 and the series, three games to one. All the Sox runs came in this on frame off Vic Sorrell. Ted Lyons, in winning his second game of the year, gave but eight hits -and was always in command of the situation.

Harvey Walker and Bid Akers, with three hits each, were the only Tigers to have any luck against -him. The Sox rally in the third marked the first scoring of the game. Jeffries got a scratch single and Tate's slow bounder went for a single when Mc-Manus missed It by Inches. Lyons sacrificed and Blue banged out a two bagger which sent two runs across tha plate. Watwood's long fly fell a few Inches out of Harvey Walker's reach for a triple and what proved to ba.

the winning run crossed the plate. -Johnson Doubles The Tigers scored in their half of the Inning on Koenig's walk. Hay-worth's sacrifice and Johnson's two-bagger. There was no further scoring until the ninth, when Cissell fumbled McManus' grounder. Akers singled Uhle batted for Koenig, walked.

Harris ran for Uhle. When G. Walker batting; for Hayworth. hit a grounder to Cis-sell, Harris hurled himself into the Sox shortstop as he was set for a double play, permitting McManus to score. The Sox protested vigorously, but the umpires permitted the play to stand.

Doljack grounded out, however, ending the Tiger's last rally. DETROIT CHICAGO AB Al AB A Johnson.rf 4.1 3 0 Blue. lb ....4 110 H.Walk 4 3 4 O.Watwood.rf 4 1 2 1 Owen.tb ..4 0 1 Fonseca.Jh Stone.lf ...4 0 1 0Kerr.3D 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 4 3 3 0, ..4 3 4 ..0 0 0 9 Koenlg.Jb .3 0 3 ..4 0 Uhle 0 0 0 Elchrodt.ef 1 f) 4 Harris ...0.0 0 0' Jeffrles.Sb .3 3 3 1 Hayworth.e 3 0 3 3 Tate.c 3 3 I lO. Walker 10 0 OLyons.p 0 0 I Sorrell.p ..8 10 01 IDolJack ..1 0 0 oj Totals 3 3412 Totals ..30 10 37 Batted for Koenig ln 3th. Ran for Uhle in th.

-i'r JBatted for Hayworth ln th. 1 Batted lor Sorrell in 8th. Detroit 0 01 000 00 13 Chicago 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 Runs McManus. Koenig 3: Blue, JeN fries, Tate 3. Errors Clssell 1.

Ttrn base hits Johnson, Blue. Three base hit Watwood. Stolen base Q. Walker. Sacrifices Hayworth.

Lyons 3. Double play Clssell-Blue; Koenig-Akers -Owen. Left, -on bases Detroit 7, Chicago 6. Base on balls Off SorreU 1, Lyons 3. Struck out By Sorrell 1.

Umpire Dlneen, Camp bell, Guthrie. Time 1:31. PHILLIPS' HOMER ,114 Drive with Bases Full in -Seventh Keeps St. Lonis -Out of League Lead ST. LOUIS.

May 29 (JP) Any hopes St. Louis had of regaining top place) -ln the National league were spoiled -Thursday when Phillips smashed out a home run with the bases loaded and the score tied to give Pittsburgh an IV to 8 victory over the Cardinals ln i seven-mnlng contest. The game was called to allow the Pirates to mak train connections. P. Waner and Gelbert also knocked home runs.

Score by innings: Pittsburgh 202 030 411 11 1 St. Louis 034 000 1 13 Batteries: Brame, Wllloughby. Os- born and Phillips; Rhem and Wilson. YPSILANTI NET TEAM DEFEATS STATE, 6 TO 3 Michigan State, normal fcanri4 Michigan State Its second tennis defeat of the week here Thursday. Ynsi- nu ma uiw.i,ca auia me oper tans three.

Normal won two of th3 three doubles matches and four of ths six singles matches. ,1 Unties Olson iS d. Carson mi. -S. 0-3 Mott (Si d.

Arnold IN). 3-S. 6-3. 7-5 viewrMi mi Q. WO 191, 0-3, 4-B.

TtT nno Iff. Bl. Harpfl INi rf nammavsKn4J a aV it Doubles Carson and Arnold (Ni d. Olson Mott Ifii. 6-4.

4-8. an? Cieslewskl (Nt. $-10. 6-3, 6-3. nagen ana oiwi ni d.

HammerschmiclVl and Wflmraub 6-3, 7-9. 6-3. REDS TAKE FIRST GAME OF YEAR FROM CUBS, CINCINNATI. May 29 P) Young'3 Si Johnson limited the Cubs to hits Thursday and enabled the RedS-3 to win the final game of the series. 3 to 1.

It was the first time thlsM year Cincinnati defeated Chicago, ar Hornsby's error on Roush's in the third inning let in whatV proved to be the winning run. Score by innings: K.t, Chicago 000 100 0001 5 Cincinnati 002 100 OOx 3 Batteries Blake, Baecht, and Hart'3 nett; Johnson and As by. "al 3 1 Antlers Meet East Grand Rapids Team in Schedule Opener Saturday PLAY HERE ON SUNDAY Wasco Oils to Meet Local Nine at Municipal Park In Second Game Lansing Elks swing Into the Central league baseball schedule Saturday aiternoon In East Grand Rapids against tne East Grand Rapids Ino pendents, a team that ordinarily plays under the name of the Ramonas. Although the Antlers are forced to open their season away from home they will return here Sunday to provide local fans with their first taste of league baseball with the Wasco Oils of Grand Rapids providing the op position. The plan Is to stage doubleheaders on each Sunday and holiday during tne season but Manager Jess Alten-berg was unable to put on a twin bill here Sunday because of the Impending contest with the House of David scheduled for next Monday afternoon.

The Elks' pitching staff is not suf ficiently strong, or numerous, to al low the playing of four games In two days. The league schedule gives the Elks four home dates for the first half of the season which closes on July S. They will play the following schedule at Municipal park during tills period: May 31, Wasco Oils (Grand Rapids): June 14. Muskegon Reds: June 28, Postum Cereals (Battle Creek): July 5, Sparta. The games to be played away from home are as follows: May 30.

at East Grand Rapids: June 7. at Muskegon: June 21, at East Grand Rapids; July 4, at Sparta. Sixteen games will constitute the first half and the second half of the season will Include the same number, this to open on July 12. DEFEATS BANK. 11-2 Errors Plentiful as Radio Team Wins; Norton Hurls Two-Hit Game LEAGUE STANDINGS U' t.

pt Stite Journal 2 Motor Wheel 3 Rullson-Fada 2 Ideal Mowers 119lh Artillery 1 0 1.000 1 1 .500 1 .000 2 .000 3 .000 Lansing Eaglea 0 Morden Otis 0 City National Bank 0 RulLson-Fadas had a romp with the City National bank In the Capital City league at the Municipal park Thursday evening. The Radio team won easily. II to 2. although a five-run rally In the last inning served to end the argument. The Radio team picked on Zummer for 10 hits while Norton was hurling almost airtight baseball.

The Bankers found his delivery for only one scratch hit In the first five innings and then scored two runs In the sixth. The game was a slow affair filled with 15 errors. RULISON-FADA crrr natx. AB 2 AB A 0 O.H 3 C.H'ven.3b 4 1 Bought n.

lb 3 I nbecKe.Jb 0 Wrlght.c... 0 1 Drake.rf.... 0 Mirtln.lf... 0 Zummer.p.

1 Wdvard.Sb 0 Mlnnlch.Jb. 2 4 A.H'vens 3b 4 3 urie.c 3 Norton.p. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ....30 101 Rtlllson-Fada City National Totals 25 3 11 1 9 0 0 3 1 511 0 00 0033 Runs Hammond. O.

Havens. C. Havens. Swartr. 3.

Trtphagen, 3. A. Havens. Hengesbaugh. 3.

Urlr HI'; Wright. Zummer i3i. Errors O. Havens, i. C.

Havens. Sermok Dunnebecke, 1. Wright. Her-shry. 4, Luscombe i0.

8tolen bases C. Havens, Pwartz, A. Havens. Hengeabaugh. 3.

Urle. Norton 7i; Luscombe Mi. Tvo-baso hit O. Havena. Sacrifice hit O.

Havens. Three-base hit Triphagen. Double plajr Dunnebecke. Hershey, and Boughton. Walks Norton.

I. Luscombe. 3. Zummer. I.

Wild pitches Norton, 3. Hit br pitched ball Bv Norton (Luscombei. bv Luscombe isvartxt. ei ruck out By Norton, 4: by Luscombe, 3: by Zummer, 1. Earned runs RuUson-Fada.

I. Left on bases Rullson-Fada, Cltv National, 7. Hits Off Norton, In 5: off Luscombe, 7 In 6 Innings. Umpire Mahoney. DER MAXIE PULLS ON HIS BOXING GLOVES CONNEAUT LAKE PARK, Pa, May 29 op, For the first time since he arrived at his training camp here han n-ook aso.

Max Schmcl- ing pulled on the boxing gloves Fri day. A big crew oi sparring partners awaited his call. From now on. the big German who is to defend his world heavyweight title against W. 'Young) Strlbllng ln Cleveland July 3, wtll Indulge ln Intensive dally workouts.

WRESTLING By Tbt Associated Preset LOUISVILLE, Ky. Hy Scharman, Salt Lake City. 148. defeated Johnny Stote. 150, New York.

Stote won the first fall ln 52 seconds and Scharman took the last two ln 12:07 and 11:17. NEW YORK Richard Shlkat, 218, Germany, threw Richard Stahl, 210, Germany, 18:19: Herb Freeman, 318, New York, threw Joseph Rogackl, 208. Poland 25:03. Sergei Kalmlkoff, 250, Russia, threw George Hills, 212. Wisconsin, 19:21.

DETROIT Jim Londos, New York, threw Jim Cllnkstock, Oklahoma, 36:29: Jim McMlUln. former University of Illinois football player, drew with MUo Stelnbom. St. Louis. Jack Jamas.

Chicago, threw Floyd Marshall Lot Angeles, Charlie Fox. Cleve land, drew with Hans Bauer. Chicago: Karl Poljelox, Chicago, threw Joe Turner, Detroit, 26:14, AWAY FROM HI HISON-FADA NINE TO BEAT YANKS, 5-4 Grove Believes Walberg and Scores Winning Sun in 9th After Doubling SCORE THREE IN EIGHTH Babe Buth and Jimmy Fozz Drive Out Eighth Home Buns of Season PHILADELPHIA, May 29 (P The Athletics made it five out of six for their series with the New York Yan kees Thursday with a to 4 victory. Trailing up to the seventh, the champions tied up by scoring three runs on as many hits and a pair of errors by Chapman and Gehrig. Lefty Grove, who relieved Walberg In the 8th, started the ninth inning with a double.

After the bases were filled Al Simmons drove out a long fly and Grove scored the winning run after the catch. Earl Combs and Simmons ran their hitting streaks to 27 and 28 games re spectlvely while Babe Ruth and Jimmy Foxx clouted homers to make It eight apiece. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA AB Al AB A Combs.ef 6 3 1 0: Bishop. Jb ..3 3 3 3 Reese.3b ..6 0 7 3 1 2 0 Cochrane.c .5 3 1 OStmmons.U 8 14 ...4 111 Ruth. If ....4 3 1 .4 3 8 4 0 3 SowelUb .3 0 1 Mlller.rf ...4 1 I Dlckey.c Perklns.c ..3 1 0 ..3 I 3 4 Mc.Valr.3b .4 0 0 OBoleys ....4 1 2 .3 0 3 0 WillKlg.p .3 0 1 Rufflng.p .4 10 lt'Todt 1 0 0 JGrove.p ....1 1 0 Totals ..38 10 36 Totals ..38112711 Batted lor Walberg ln 7th.

New York 0 00 1 12 00 04 Athletic 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 15 Runs Combs. Ruth. Gehrig-. Dlckev (: Bishop, Poxx, McNalr, Boley, Grove (5t. two case mu Miner.

Simmons, Dtckey. Combs. Home runs Ruth. Poxx. Stolen bases Combs.

Double plays McNalr. Bishop and Foxx: Lary, Reese and Gehrig. Left on bases New York 7. Philadelphia 8. Base on balls Off Ruffing 3.

off Wal berg 3. struck out By RUIIlng 5. by Grove 1. Hits Off Walberg. In 7 Innings; off Grove.

1 ln 3. Winning pitcher Grove. Umpires Moriarty, Gelsel and Hlldebrand. Time 1:40. GEORGE LOTT SOLE John Van Byn and Helen Jacobs Eliminated from French Court Meet AUTEUJX, France, May 29 (JP) George Lott, young Davis Cup prospect, stood Thursday night as America's last remaining hope in the singles division of the French hard courts tennis championships.

Idle Thursday, the Chicago star looked on as his two compatriots, John Van Ryn and Helen Jacobs, fell by the wayside. Van Ryn went down before the soft-stroking Japanese, Jlro Satoh, In five gruelling sets. 8-6, 1-6, 2-6, 6-4, 6-3, while Miss Jacobs was elimi nated by Betty NuthaU of England ln two one-sided sets, 6-3, 6-2. Elizabeth Ryan, the former Call- fornlan, survived another round in women's singles, but she has lived so long in England that she would provide only a hollow victory for America If she should win the title. Lott Wins Hughes Lott's quarter-final opponent Fri day will be George Berry Hughes, young British star.

Indications are that If the American disposes of Hughes be will encounter Christian Boussus, French lefthander. In the semi-finals. Jean Borotra, France's ranking star in the tournament, reached the semi-finals in the opposite half of the bracket Thursday by defeating his countryman, Benl Bertheti 6-2, 6-3, 6-1. As a result of Thursday's victory. Miss NuthaU became an outstanding favorite to win the women's singles title relinquished by Helen Wills Moody the semi-finals.

She will encounter Hilda Krah- wlnkel ranking German star, who provided an upset Thursday by defeating Madame Rene Mathleu of France, 6-4, 6-3. TWO AMERICANS REMAIN NEAR TOP AT ELLIOTT Horton Smith and Johnny Farrell Three Strokes behind Leader In Third Round of Flay ARBROATH, Scotland. May 29 Although they failed to attain the leadership, two American professionals still were in striking distance at the end of the third round of the 72-bole pitch-and-putt golf tournament at Elliott Thursday night. Horton Smith and Johnny Farrell, each with a 171 total for 54 holes, were only three strokes behind the leader, Percy Alllss, British open pro fessional of a Berlin club, who came ln with a brilliant 55 Thursday for a three-quarter total of 168. Smith, who at the halfway mark Wednesday was tied with A.

H. Padg- ham, young British professional, for the lead, took 61 strokes Thursday. Padgham also had a poor round, tak lng a 62 to tie with Joe Klrkwood, the American trick-shooter, with 172's. Farrell, one of Thursday's early fin ishers, turned In a card of 58 and held the lead until Alllss came in with his 55. VALLEY FARMS TEAM TO PLAY TWO GAMES The newly organized Valley Farms baseball team have two games sched uled for this week-end.

Saturday aft ernoon at 2:30 they will play the Grand Ledge unit of the 119th Ar tillery and on Sunday afternoon at the same hour they will play Wacousta. Both, games will be played on the new diamond at Valley Farms, located on US-27 about two miles north of the Gier Pressed Steel plant, AMERICAN SURVIVOR 4S rive-A hlfh school league track meet at Michigan Btate college stadium. ts-R. O. T.

Butt college. C. horseshow at Michigan 9.30 Sanctioned motorcycle hill climb, skeeter hill, three miles cut of Mason on DantvlUe road. J.JO Valley Parma va Grand ledge, baseball, at Valley Farms diamond north of city on U8-127. 3:30 Michigan State Normal freshmen tb Michigan State freshmen In tennis on college courts at East Lansing.

00 Eaglet vs Stoekbrldge. Central Michigan basebaU league game at Round lake. 1:00 Ideal Power Lawn Mower re Mor-rice In baseball at Park lake. I 30 Notre Dame vs Michigan Stats In baseball at East Lansing. Frank X.

Shields and Sidney Wood Win with Ease Over Argentine Players WASHINGTON. May 29 The youngest of all the long line of United States Davis cup teams ovetTan an experienced Argentine tennis team Thursday, capturing both the opening singles matches of the final American zone tie with the loss of but one set. Frank X. Shields, rangy young New Yorker, started the play with a 3-6. 6-2.

6-2, 6-2 victory over Guillermo Robson. 28-year-old Buenos Aires star. Slender Sidney B. Wood. Jr.

19-year-old New Yorker, completed the day's battle by defeating the Argentine heavyweight, Ronaldo Boyd, 6-4, 6-1, 6-2. To assure another United States Davis cup Invasion of Europe, only one more victory Is needed In the three remaining matches to be played Friday and Saturday. Shields was wobbly as the first set opened. Aiming for the side and base lines with almost every shot, he scored 13 placements, many of which Robson did not attempt to reach, but In doing so he committed a total of 28 errors against 13 for the Argentine. Wood In Form Robson played heady, steady tennis throughout the first set, coming on with a rush to win the last four games.

As the match progressed, however. Shields settled down and sel dom allowed the south American star to set himself for a killing shot. The straight set victory by young Wood was gained with more ease than many of the gallery expected. Boyd the number 1 ranking Argentine play er, however, could not cope with the speed and control that Wood exhibited. Time and again the United States youngster pulled the heavy-set Boyd out of position to drop shots beyond his reach.

After the first set. which was in doubt until the final shot, the blond New Yorker assumed almost compete ocntrol. winning six games in a row In the first set after dropping the first game, and duplicating this performance In the final set after dropping the first two games. Levandowski Kayoes St. Paul Boxer in Fifth; Not in Best of Shape GRAND RAPIDS.

May 29 Martin Levandowskl of Wayland, Mich, light heavyweight champion, scored a five-round technical knockout victory Thursday night over boy look helpless with superior ring craftsmanship. Levandowskl, however. piled up a telling margin on points and was far ahead when he slipped across the deciding right hook Just a few seconds before the close of the fourth round. The bell rang as the referee counted seven with Malone out cold. The St.

Paul boxer was unable to respond for the fifth round. Levandowskl weighed 168 pounds. Malone 162. Leon Jattnskl. Grand Rapids, had mil, trnnhle with TVn firvnrrr of EAGLES SCHEDULED FOR TILTS AT LAKE Thm 1 an-lnM r.nlM HI r.

In Decoon Day they will encounter stoekbrldge and Sunday will match play wltn tne Fnt inaependents. Bt contests will be Central Mtchl- Kan Ramc8. playcd at Round oclock stocitbrldge and Flint are un UeateYi as yet in league play, but i double win by the Eagles will place tnem ln the le-avrghin Drurua. the Eagle mound ace. will do the hurling against Stoekbrldge with either Sohn or Jones ln the box ln the Sunday encounter.

IDEAL POWER MOWERS BOOK PAIR OF GAMES Ideal Power Lawn Mowers will play two games at Park lake over the weekend. They are to meet the Morrlce team Memorial Day and the Ithaca Independents on Sunday. The Mowers will be out for revenge ln the Ithaca game, having lost a 4 to 0 decision to the Gratiot county seat nine earlier In the season. Both games will start at o'clock. UNITED STATES CUP EAM WINS OPENER GEORGE VAN BIBBER Appointment of George Van Bibber, former Purdue athletic star, to succeed A.

J. Nowack as football coach at Central State Teachers college, Mt. Pleasant, has been announced by athletic authorities at the school. Former Pnrdue Athletic Star To Succeed A. J.

Nowack As Bearcat Grid Mentor Special to The State Journal: MT. PLEASANT, May 29 Athletic authorities of Central State Teachers college have announced that George Van Bibber, three-sports man from Purdue university, is to succeed A. J. Nowack as football mentor for the Bearcats the coming year. The new coach for the Teachers played varsity football for the Boiler makers three years at a tackle post, and was named on the all-western team ln 1930.

The years of '29 and '30 he rated a position on the all-state teams, besides being named on nearly every all-American second team in the country. Reports June 10 Van Bibber will leave Lafayette in time to report at Central State by June 10, and the last week of school he will conduct dally drills with the football candidates. He will conduct a theory class in grid tactics during the summer session and open tne fall football camp September 14. The Purdue ace, who was also a member of the varsity baseball and basketball squads at the Boilermaker Institution, will handle freshman basketball here. Atheltlc Director Wallace C.

Parker will assist Van Bibber, by taking over the backfield candidates, and B. W. Lodewyk will han dle the yearling pigskin toters. A. J.

Nowack, former mentor in the Bearcat camp. Is now on the coaching sian at Indiana university. LAST IGHT (By Th Associated Press) PARIS Spider Pladner, France. outpointed Francois Blron, French bantamweight champion (12), for title; nger Hunefy, France, knocked out Sammy Murray, Cuba (2) GRAND RAPIDS. Mich.

Martin Levandowskl, Wayland, stopped Jock Malone, St. Paul (5): Jean Jaslnskl, Grand Rapids, stopped Dean Spencer, Chicago (5). PITTSBURGH Jimmy Guthrie. Akron, outpointed K. O.

Redmond, Detroit (8); Billy Holt, Pittsburgh, outpointed Jack Gillespie, Detroit (6); Jack Kelly, Lima, outpointed Carl Cesko, TJniontown, (6). GREENBAY. Wis. Harry Dublin- sky, Chicago, knocked out Eddie (Kid) Wagner. Buffalo (2); Joe Azzarela, Milwaukee, outpointed Jimmy Murphy.

Chicago (8); Jack Saunders, Green Bay. knocked out Bob Stone, Chicago (2). PORT HURON Morrie Sherman (136) Detroit Michigan welterweight champion, outpointed Johnny Clancy (146) Detroit, for title, (10); Joey Ingles, Detroit (118) outpointed Johnny Mitchell. Chicago. (121) Billy Pringle, Toronto.

(148) won technical knockout over Harold Anthony, Hazel Park (144) Griff Walker, Detroit (147) outpointed Jole Russell, Detroit (147) Jackie Moore, Detroit (122) won technical knockout over Billy Edmonds, London, (119) Garrett Turner, Port Huron, (149) outpointed Ernest Conklln, Port Huron (152) 4. MORE TEAMS NEEDED FOR JUNIOR LEAGUES There will be 12 teams ln the Jun lor baseball leagues this year and 6 in the new Class league, an organization sponsored for young men between the ages of 17 and 19 years. De cision was reached at a meeting in the city hall Wednesday evening. Teams are needed to round out the leagues and anyone Interested has been invited to call the recreation department. COACH AT CENTRAL reputation of never losing a college Jock Malone, veteran St.

Paul punch-game. Palt. a right handcr. hasjr. It was the feature scheduled 10-hurled here before and taken defeats round bout of the Furniture Capital at the Spartans" hands.

Athletic club's first outdoor program The third base position lias under- of the season, gone another shift. nisei has becn Malone. once known as the un-benched again and Langer, a sopho-1 crowned light heavyweight champion more. Is now operating at the hot of the world, was not In the best of corner Coach Kobs was well pleased condition and was slow but at times with the showing the team made at I he succeeded In making the Wayland defendant was convicted occurred In It was discovered that a long rusty which Is non-ferrous and used as tool for diamonds in drawing tungsten wire Boston Ace Captures Eighth Straight Win of Season; Homers Feature Tilt NEW YORK, May 29 (P) Ed Brandt, star left hander of the Boston Braves, hurled his eighth straight winning game Thursday to give the Braves a 7 to 6 victory over the Giants. Boston rolled up an early lead off Fred Fltzslmmons, scoring three runs In the second inning, and cut loose again when Donohue took the mound ln the ninth.

But home runs by Al len and Crltz kept the Giants within striking distance and another by Llndstrom with two on base ln the ninth left them Just short of a tie. Score by Innings: Boston 030 101 0027 13 1 New York 002 100 0036 10 5 Batteries: Brandt and Spohrer, Fltz slmmons. Donohue, Morrell and Ho- gan, OTarrcIl. INDIANS WIN FOURTH OVER ST. LOUIS, 5-4 CLEVELAND.

May 29 Ml The Cleveland Indians won their fourth successive game from the St. Louis Browns Thursday, a to- 4. Fay Thomas, starting his second Major league game, got credit for the victory, though he retired for a pinch hitter ln the sixth. Only one run be hind in the ninth, the Browns landed on Pinky Shoffner for two singles. Hudlln came In and forced Jenkins to hit Into a double play to end the game.

Score by Innings: St. Louis 002 100 1004 11 3 Cleveland 122 000 OOx 5 10 0 Batteries: Stewart and Fen-ell; Thomas, Shoffner, Hudlin and Sewell. Indianapolis Saturday Ended hard drivers, placed far back in the starting lineup because of inability to qualify the first day, attempt to dash through the heavy traffic for the leadership. Among them Is Billy Arnold, Chicago, winner here last year, who would rather be the pursued than the pursuer. Prize money for the winner of each lap will be the incentive for such early speed.

Arnold will be in the sixth row at the start. Cantlon Far Back Francis Qulnn, a senation last win ter on the west coast, is another heavy-footed driver far back in the lineup. So is William (Shorty) Cantlon, Detroit, who finished second last May and is declared to have the fastest mount ln the coming race. The lineup outside the fence of the huge speedway plant which began two weeks ago was growing steadily Thursday. By nightfall Friday, if precedent is followed, the lineup of automobiles will be several miles long.

Downtown Indianapolis also took on a speedway air Thursday as visitors from many states began arriving for the annual sptea spectacle. BRANDT'S HURLING BEATS GIANTS, 7-B bat In both the losses this week and had words of praise for the way Pem berton hurled against Northwestern. STEEL PONIES TO CLIMB COUNTY HILL SATURDAY Motorcycle Event to Be Timed by Elertrlral Device; Four Events Are on Program An electrically timed motorcycle hill (By The Associated Press) NEW YORK, May 29 JjlSS GLENNA COLLETT. five tunes women's national golf champion. Is to marry Edwin H.

Vare. of Philadelphia. Announcement Is made by her mother, Mrs. George H. Collett of Greenwich.

Conn. Mr. Vare Is the son of Mrs. Edwin H. Vare and the late State Senator Vare of Philadelphia, He Is a nephew of William S.

Vare. republican leader of Philadelphia. He is a golfer. MISS COLLETT Jut his fiancee can wai nun. ruias ioi lett, a native of New Haven, but a resident of Providence, R.

Major and Minor League Standings American League Pet. I Pet. Phlladel. 2 .765 Chicago ..17 30 .459 Wash'ton 33 14 .633 Detroit ...11 34 428 New York 30 15 .571 3t. Louis .13 S3 .353 Cleveland IS 20 .474.

Boston ...13 23 .343 Thursday's Keralta Chicago 3. Detroit 3. Philadelphia 6. New Tork 4. Washington 4, Boston 3.

Cleveland S. Bt. Louis 4. Friday's Gaaoea Cleveland at Detroit. St.

Louis at Chicago. (Only games National League t. Pet New York 23 10 Pittsburgh 17 18 ei. Louis 10 10 .655 Phlladel. .16 IS .471 Boston .18 15 .545 Brooklyn .15 20 .429 Chicago ..17 IS .531 Cincinnati 8 26 .235 Tbaraday'a Kcaal Boston 7.

New York 6. Cincinnati 3, Chicago I. Pittsburgh 11. St. Louis 8.

(Only games scheduled'. Friday's Games Boston at Philadelphia. Brooklyn at New York. Cincinnati at St. Louis.

Chicago at Pittsburgh. American Association Columbus 30 15 St. Paul 10 14 Louisville 18 IS Mllva'kee 16 17 PcU City 17 18 563 Mlnneap. .16 10 .529 Indlanap. 15 10 514 Toledo ...15 20 Pet.

.486 .457 .441 429 Tharaday'a Results Toledo 6, Louisville 2. Indlanapolla 9. Columbua 5. Milwaukee 5. Minneapolis 2 Kansas City 14.

St. Paul 8. Friday's Caaea Columbus at Toledo. Louisville at Indianapolis. Kansas City at Milwaukee.

St. Paul at Minneapolis. International League Pet I Montreal 33 1 .678 Buffalo Rochester 19 16 .543 Jer. City Newark ..19 17 528 Toronto Baltimore 30 1 .513 Reading Tkaraday'a Eesalts Jersey City 4. Newark 3.

Baltimore 13. Reading 4. Rochester 8. Buffalo 0. Montreal 4.

Toronto 1. Friday'a Gaaies Toronto at Rochester. Montreal at Buffalo. Baltimore at Reading. Jersey City at Neaark.

.19 31 .19 33 .18 21 .14 22 Pet. .475 463 .463 J8 until her father's death three years ago, played golf first when 12 years old. Her father, George Collett, one time amateur bicycle champion of the world, was her teacher. She won the golf title ln 1922, when 19 years old, and repeated ln '25, '28, '29. and '30 setting a record for the event.

Trying to win the British championship she has been beaten twice by Miss Joyce Wethercd. Her conquests Include a dozen or more sec tional championships. She was the first to break 80 in the women's national championship. Mr. Vare Is a construction engineer, a golfer and is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.

SENATORS TAKE THIRD IN ROW FROM RED SOX BOSTON, May 29 OP) Washington took Its third straight game from the Red Sox. 4 to 3, Thursday and won the series, three games to one. Alvln Crowder weakened ln the first of the seventh and was relieved by Bump Hadley, who held the Sox hltless for the rest of the game. Joe Kuhel hit a triple and home run off Danny MacFayden, and Earl Webb hit one over the fence ln left centerfleld. Score by Innings: Washington ....001 120 0004 12 0 Boston 110 001 0003 6 0 Batteries Crowder.

Hadley and Spencer; MacFayden and Ruel. STAGE FIVE-A LEAGUE GOLF TOURNEY HERE Members of the Five-A league of which Central and Eastern high schools are members, were playing off their championship meet over the Groesbeck course Friday afternoon. Jackson. Battle Creek, and Ann Arbor golfers were entered. Practice Runs for Speedway Race (By The Associated Press) INDIANAPOLIS, May 29 PRACTICE for the 500 mile automobile race to be run here Saturday, virtually ended Thursday.

The track was closed Thursday afternoon and drivers were forbidden Its use until an hour before sundown Friday, when they will be given a few minutes to make a final test spin. The crackups that occurred during the training and qualification period left the 2'2 mile brick course slick from escaped oil and grease, but a chemical bath will have It free of this added hazard by race time. Await Start Cars were torn down and rebuilt for the last time Thursday. Some of them were completed and covered up until race time. Most of Thursday's activity was confined to the garages, no pilot fortunate enough to win one of the 40 places ln the starting lineup taking any chances on a crackup.

Thrills apelnty were forecast during the early laps of the race as several climb will be held on Big Skeeter hill, Chicago, scoring a technical knockout three miles east of Mason on them the flftn roi 0f their scheduled Dansvllle road. Saturday afternoon at jo-round seml-wlndup. Jaslnskl 2:30 o'clock. Competition is sponsored wcKhed J65'i. Spencer 164.

hv the Lansing Motorcycle club and Amefican Four motorcycle events are listed. with cash prizes for the winners In professional classes and silver trophies for amateur winners. Several h. th. from motorcycle factories are expect-; ca to enii-r, uu tain to be ken in the professional events.

A new feature will be an automobile hill climb on a umcrent course. inellake nd start promptiy at 3 use ol skid cnains win De permuiea. but tractors, trucks or tractor wheete will be oarrea. a casn prize oi I offered for the car making the best, time or distance on the hill. PAT REDMOND MATCHED WITH PRIMP FOR JUNE 1 NEW YORK.

May 29 (IF Prime Camera has been matched to meet pat Redmond, big Irishman, In a 10-round bout at Ebbets field. June 10, linder the promotorlal auspices of Jlm-my Johnston. The bout will take the place of the Camera-Jack Sharkey battle sched uled for the same date and called off whan a federal court injunction barred Camera from meeting Sharkey or any other "leading heavyweight contender, HARRIET CHAPMAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Eaton Rapids, Mich. Special attention given to diseases of the colon and rectam LANSING PHONE ZtSS4 EATON RAPIDS PHONE ISt.

Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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