Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

and Oil 1 WINNIE WINKLE FUNNY HOW YES, HUGH THE MERRY CHRISTMAS, IF YE DIDN'T, THIS ALL LORD WORKS IN MAW-- MIND IF I'D BE SORE! SORRY I I'VE FINEST GOT THE WORKED MYSTERIOUS WAYS! I KISS YE MERRY HAVEN'T GOT CHRISTMAS OUT, EH, CHRISTMAS A CHRISTMAS GIFT IN DARLING QUEEN 'SWEET OL' GIFT FOR you WORLD, YOU, HONEY! Reg. Copyright, U. S. Pat. 1946, by The Chicago Tribune 12-25-46 CHILDREN TAKE OVER AT DINNER AS SANTA COMES They were serving lots of milk 1 in the Marine dining room of the Edgewater Beach hotel last night, and the orchestra in the swank dining and dancing spot played "Jingle Bells," Come All Ye Faithful," and "Waltz of the Flowers" instead of foxtrots.

For the 29th consecutive Christmas eve, the dining room was turned over entirely to families residing in the hotel and a few other guests, for a Christmas party at which children's voices and enthusiasm predominated. The children made up only onefifth of the crowd of 1,000, but after eating and listening to the robed choir of St. Peter's Episcopal church, there was no holding them when out of the fireplace on the stage came Santa Claus, with a stockingful of toys for each one. Several family groups have attended the party annually since its inception. Among them was Mrs.

Benjamin Brown, who had a table with eight relatives, including two nephews, Richard, 18, Addison Elliott, 21, of Oak Park, who have attended since they were in their high chairs," Mrs. Brown said. She is a resident of the hotel. Circuit Judge Thomas J. Courtney and Mrs.

Courtney are others who have attended frequently. They had a family party including their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vaughan, and grandson, Tommy Courtney Vaughan, C. A.

Dunham Will Filed; Estate Set at Million Clayton A. Dunham, 70, chairman and founder of the C. A. Dunham company, 450 E. Ohio who died Nov.

22, left an estate of one million dollars, according to his will filed yesterday in Probate court. The bulk of the estate 1 is to be shared by his widow, Beth, of 150 Maple Hill Glencoe; a daughter, Mrs. Winifred Gove of Arcadia, and a son, Aubra, of the Park Dearborn hotel. BEAUTY Softens Sorrow It is human to tell the living that our thoughts and sympathies are with them. A rose can speak more comfort than a thousand words.

Flowers Telegraphed Everywhere George Wienhoeber FLORIST 7 So. Wabash Also 28 N. Michigan Call RANdolph 3700 Say it Flowers UNDERTAKERS LAIN SON Funeral Information SOUTH SIDE CHAPEL 316 W. 63D-STREET. AT HARVARD.

PHONE WENTWORTH 0025. THURSDAY. JOHNSON-Arthur G. 2 p.m. at chapel PICKHAM-Ruth Edna.

9:30 a. m. in church SERVICES TO BE ARRANGED. MOSEGAARD-Annetta. STRUBIN-William Albert.


-Eleanor. 1 p. m. at chapel SERVICES TO BE ARRANGED. SCHMERL-Herman.

LAIN SON SPREYNE SON FORMERLY OF 6328 COTTAGE GROVE. of Announce their new funeral home. 78 years satisfied service; 4 large private air conditioned chapels; caskets on display. 7507-09 STONY ISLAND-AV. FAIRFAX 2900-01.



ERIE, 1 Block E. of Michigan. CEMETERIES CEMETERY LOTS for sale. Perpetual care. Memorial Park.


Sears, Roebuck 4th floor. Also at Irving Park, Cicero-av. and 900 S. Homan. FLORISTS.

GARLAND Flowers. 220 N. Kedzle-av. Sac. 0909.

3606 Irving Park. Irving 3900. DEATH NOTICES In Memoriam ANDERSON-PIc. George A. Anderson age 23, late of 7342 Harvard avenue, killed in Belgium, Dec.

25, 1944, 106th 422 Co. precious and darling son of George G. and Ruth devoted brother of Guy D. Peace be with you." MOM, DAD, AND GUY. ANDERSON-PIc.

George A. Anderson. In loving memory of my dear nephew, who died in Germany, Dec. 25, 1944. In memory, a daily thought: In my heart, a silent sorrow.

AUNT RUTH. BURKE-Joseph P. Burke, U. S. N.

In loving memory of his 20th birthday. May you have peace." MOM. CARLSON-PIc. Gunnar Carlson. In loving memory of our dear son and brother, A killed in DAD, Belgium, SISTER.

Dec. AND 25, 1944, BROTHERS. DAILY TRIBUNE: 46 Dec. 25, 1946 of Orlando hasn't halted Christmas visitors entirely. Postmistress Juanita S.

Tucker reports that the grist of gift packages motored in each year to be imprinted with the postoffice's unique cancelation stamp has fallen only slightly. Mrs. Tucker and seven assistants have just finished canceling the stamps of the last of this year's 100,000 pieces of Christmas mail that began pouring in last July from every state and many foreign lands. That's an average year's handle for Mrs. Tucker, who runs one of the nation's busiest fourth class postoffices.

Busy as she is, she finds time to hand cancel a goodly bulk of philatelic covers that comes in year after year. A power canceling IT TAKES MORE THAN A DETOUR TO FOIL SANTA Christmas, Mails Gifts as Usual BY HAROLD SMITH Tribune Press Christmas, Dec. 24-It's always Christmas here, but not a very merry one this year for the 200 people who get their mail at the only postoffice of its name in the United States. The reason is that Florida route 50, normally a main artery between the busy winter resorts of Orlando and Miami, has been closed for local repairs since last September and will not reopen for several That means that the people of Christmas, accustomed to the fits of money by holiday pilgrims to the tiny crossroads, must forgo much of this little boom. Finishes Annual Task It's a tribute to sentimentality of Americans, tho, that even the forbidding "Road Closed" sign east of Orlando hasn't halted Christmas machine handles ordinary letters.

Town's Birthday, Too Christmas will end its first century of existence at midnight tonight. White soldiers pacifying the rampant Seminoles first occupied their new stronghold here Dec. 25, 1845, and so named it Fort Christmas. The postoffice was established June 27, 1892, and stamp collectors discovered it soon after. Mrs.

Tucker, surprisingly young and attractive, is the eighth postal chief the station has had in the ensuing 43 years, and the third of her family to hold the job. TAVERN BRAWLS END IN SHOOTING; ONE MAN KILLED John Dziodas, 33, of 4505 S. Justine a mechanic for Armour was shot and killed last in a gangway side his home by Charles Thomas Halstead, 32, of 4839 Hubbard an insurance company auditor. The shooting climaxed a series of fights which began earlier in the evening in a tavCharles Halstead ern owned by Halstead's brother Joseph Gorecki, at 4553 S. Ashland av.

There, according to conflicting stories told Detectives Cyril Harris and Edward of the New City police, John Dziodas' brother, Joseph, 32, got into a fight with Gorecki and was thrown out. Joseph Dziodas returned with his 'brothers John and Edward, 24, and all three were thrown out. In the melee, Gorecki's wife, Katherine, suffered facial bruises. Later. Gorecki, Charles Halstead, his brother, Alva Halstead, 30, of 1608 Luna a tool and die maker, encountered the three Dziodas brothers in a tavern at 4504 S.

Justine across the street from the Dziodas home, Another fight started, which spilled into the street. Charles Halstead told police he began shooting after he was struck over the head with a milk bottle. Three bullets struck John Dziodas in the abdomen. He was pronounced dead at Evangelical hospital. Police said that another revolver was found at the scene of the shooting, but that no bullets had been fired from it.

Police held all the participants for questioning. POLICE PRESENT ORTHOPEDIC AID TO GIRL CRIPPLE Evanston policemen yesterday played Santa Claus to Miss Elsie Bonhivert, 22, of 2317 Hastings Evanston. Four years ago Miss Bonhivert lost the use of her legs when some one pulled away a chair as she was about to sit on it. Seven months ago she began takIng treatments which made it necessary to go to the office of Dr. Clarence F.

Wittenberger, 910 Hinman Evanston, a chiropractor, three days a week. Evanston police volun-tems teered to furnish transportation for these visits. Yesterday Elsie sent gifts of cigarets and cookies to the 53 policemen who had helped her. The policemen then decided to do something for Elsie and took up a collection with which they bought her an orthopedic walking device. The gift was presented by Policeman Kaj Aagaard, in Santa Claus outfit, and 25 policemen went along to sing carols for Elsie.

Her comment was: Wonderful! Hold Funeral in East for C. I. Gunness, Engineer Services were held yesterday in Amherst, for Christian I. Gunness, 63, who died there last Saturday. He was head of the agricultural engineering department of Massachusetts State college and the father of Robert C.

Gunness of Hutchison Flossmoor, associate research director of the Standard Company of Indiana. His widow, Bessie, and a daughter. Miss Marion Gunness of Elizabeth, N. also survive. HINGST -Amanda Hingst, nee Modrow; beloved O'HARE-Mary C.

O'Hare, beloved wife wife of Henry mother of Henry and late Martin A. Hare, dear mother of the Dorothy. Funeral Friday, Dec. 27. at 2 derson O'Hare, Louis and the p.

at Zion Lutheran church, Hinsdale. late George L. and Martha O'Hare, At rest at chapel, 60 S. Grant. Hinsdale.

mother of George grandInterment Zion Lutheran cemetery. home, At L. O'Hare. funeral Austin bivd. and Lake st.

Funeral HOLDERNESS-Mary Holderness, beloved wife Friday, 9 a. to St. Lucy's church. Inof Thomas, fond mother of Mrs. Eugene terment Holy Sepulchre.

Brady, James, Melvin, Gordon, Edward MeGrath, and the late Marle Teeter. Funeral PALEY-Dr. Arthur Dean Pales, Dec. 24, Thursday, Dec. 26, 9:30 a.

from funeral 1946, 123 N. Wildwood road, Lake Forest, home, 3246 Jackson boulevard. to Our Lady husband of Magnhild. father of Dean of Sorrows church. Interment Mount Car- and Dr.

Kenneth J. of Lake Forest and Armel. Kedzle 2394. thur J. of Springfleld.

Ill. Resting at chapel, 233 Deerpath. Lake Forest. Services Friday, HORVATH-Frank J. Horvath, Dec.

23. 1946, Dec. 27, at 2 p. at First Presbyterian beloved husband of Katherine Holzer Hor- church. Interment Lake Forest cemetery.

vath, father of Mrs. Maria Carlisle, and Ann Horvath. Services Thursday at 2 p. m. PALMGREN-Charles A.

Palmgren of Glenview, at funeral home, 245 W. North avenue. Hollywood. husband of Louisa Interment St. Lucas' cemetery.

G. Palmgren. father of Lillie Arthur L. HUESMAN-Helen Huesman, wife of Harry, and C. Elmer Palmgren.

Resting at chapel, mother of Margaret Irmick and Viola Parisi, 1104 Waukegan road, Glenview, after Thurssister of John Rochna and Lottie Schwartz. day noon, where services will be held Friday, Funeral Thursday, 9:30 from 2 p. m. Interment Ridgewood. a.

m. chapel, 2346 W. Madison street, to Mother Cabrini POPP-Charles Popp, late of 3415 N. Horne church and Mount Carmel cemetery. avenue, beloved brother of Henry.

Services IBSEN-Marle Ibsen of 3730 Lake Shore Thursday, 2 p. at chapel, 5908 W. Roost drive, Dec. 23, 1946, beloved wife of Chris- velt road. Interment Montrose cemetery.

Intian L. Ibsen, loving mother of Mildred formation, Mansfield 0120. Tippett, Norman Ibsen, and Elinor Bahe. OBITUARIES Hadwin H. Richardson Hadwin H.

Richardson, 51, of 731 Clinton Evanston, died yesterday in Evanston hospital. He was a director of the Atlantic Monthly and western representative of the publication for 25 years. His widow, Edith, and a daughter, Mrs. Ralph E. Church survive.

Services will be held at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow in St. Mark's Episcopal church, Evanston. The rector, Dr.

Harold L. Bowen, will be assisted at the service by Bishop Wallace Conkling, a former classmate of Mr. Richardson at Williams college, where he was graduated in 1918. Mrs. Mary 0'Hare Mrs.

Mary O'Hare, 77, mother of Anderson O'Hare, whose dance bands of the early '20s were forerunners of modern bands, died yesterday in a private sanitarium. She lived with another son, Louis M. O'Hare, 5918 Fulton st. Mrs. O'Hare was born in Maysville, and had lived in Chicago many years.

Services will be held at 9 m. Friday from the chapel at 412 Austin Oak Park, to St. Lucy's church. Burial will be in Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Harry E.

Ross Services for Harry E. Ross, 55, vice president of the Kenfield-Davis Publishing company, who died Monday in his home at 617 N. Taylor Oak Park, will be held at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow in the chapel at 203 S.

Marion Oak Park. Mr. Ross formerly was the Chicago representative of the McGraw-Hill Publishing company, and also was former advertising manager Oak Leaves, Oak Park newspaper. He of. is survived by his widow, Elizabeth.

Dr. Arthur Dean Paley Dr. Arthur Dean Paley, 65, of 123 N. Wildwood Lake Forest, a Lake Forest veterinarian for 33 years and former manager of the Onwentsia Hunt club, died yesterday in his home. He leaves his widow, Magnhild and three sons, Dean Dr.

Kenneth Arthur J. Services will be held 2 p. m. and Friday in the First Presbyterian church of Lake Forest, with burial in Lake Forest cemetery. John W.

O'Connell John W. O'Connell, 55, of 310 Campbell Geneva, superintendent of maintenance for the Western United Gas and Electric company, Aurora, and former manager of the company's Geneva branch died yesterday in Community hospital, Geneva. Surviving are his widow, Mar(garet; two sons, Richard and John, and a daughter, Margaret, all of Ge neva. Services will be held at 10 a. m.

Friday in St. Peter's church, Geneva. Mrs. Adam Lulinski Mrs. Anna Lulinski, 62, mother of Assistant United States Atty.

John Lutinski, died yesterday in her home at 8324 Burley av. Her husband, Adam, and another son, Sylvester, also survive. Services will be held at 10 a. m. Friday in St.

Michael's church, 83d st. and South Shore with burial in Holy Cross cemetery, Calumet City. Berta Hummel FRANKFURT, Germany, Dec. (P)-Berta Hummel, nun the 24 Franciscan sisters renowned for her paintings of children, died last month in the French zone, the Vatican mission here said today. Mrs.

Ray Lyman Wilbur Palo Alto, Dec. 24. (P)-Mrs. Ray Lyman Wilbur, wife of the chancellor of Stanford university, died at her campus after a long illness. Surviving are her husband and five children.

Percy Colman Percy Colman SHANGHAI, Dec. 24 (P)- Percy Colman, 77, uncle of Ronald Colman, actor, died yesterday durling rehearsal of a play at the Shanghai American school. EMMET M. FRY DEAD AT AGE 82; HELPED BUILD 'L' Emmet MacDonald Fry, 82, former president the North American Welding company, for years a resident of La Grange and Evanston, died Sunday in Pasadena, friends in Chicago learned yesterday. Mr.

Fry was active in building many street railways systems in the country, including the surface and elevated lines in Chicago and sysin St. Louis and Kansas City, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati, O. He was a member of the Chicago Athletic association and Westmoreland Country club. Surviving are his widow, Florence; and four daughters, SEEKS SYRIAN CABINET DAMASCUS. Syria, Dec.

24 Jamil Mardam Bey, ex-premier, who has been the formation of a new cabinet, charged started with negotiations on the basis of a cabinet embracing new elements, Including the previous opposition, It coalition was reported today. ADVERTISMENT I Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly It you suffer from rheumatic, arthritis OP neuritis pain, try this simple inexpensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound, a two-week supply. today. Mix It with a quart of water, add the Juice of 4 lemons.

It's easy. No trouble at and pleasant. You need only 3 tablespoontuls two times a day. Often within 48 hours sometimes overnight splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better.

return the empty package and RU-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it is sold by your druggist under an absolute money-back guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound 18 for sale and recommended ba drug stores everywhere. AUTOS KILL 3 PEDESTRIANS IN DAY IN CICERO Find Hit- -Run Victim Dead in Street Traffic claimed three lives in Cic- ero Christmas eve. Robert B. Hubacek, 60, of 2435 S.

59th Cicero, janitor in a restaurant at 5928 Cermak was fatally injured when he was struck at 59th st. and Cermak by the automobile of James Nevels, 30, of road, 7430 58th Summit. He was pronounced dead at MacNeal Memorial hospital. Joseph Nichzagal, 65, of 1925 56th Cicero, was pronounced dead at Loretto hospital after he was struck in front of 1910 56th Cicero, by the automobile of Roy J. Ellison, 22, of 302 Desplaines Forest Park.

Calvin Kirk, 24, Negro, who lived at 1351 W. 14th Cicero, was found dead at 37th st. and Cicero his head crushed, the victim of a hit and run driver. Boy, 12, Killed by Auto Peter John Huizenga, 12, of route 83 east of Cottage Grove near Chicago Heights, was killed last night when he was struck by an automobile near his home. Police were told the boy was playing with another youngster and ran suddenly into the street.

The car was driven by August F. Klitzgen, 47, of 628 Seberger Scherville, Ind. Charles S. Mohler, 62, of 6620 31st Berwyn, died in Elghart General hospital of injuries suffered Saturday in an automobile accident in Elkhart, Ind. Mohler was assistant business manager of the American Medical association.

His wife, Mildred, was killed instantly when the car Mohler was driving crashed into a truck. Arthur Kath, 66, of 5475 Dorchester died in County hospital of a skull fracture suffered Dec. 14 when he was struck by an automobile at 61st st. and Cottage Grove av, Fred Kappel, 39, of 5017 S. Princeton the driver, was not held.

Mrs. Antonia Bacarilla, 58, of 3303 Lakewood a widow, died in Illinois Masonic hospital of injuries suffered Dec. 20 when she was struck by an automobile at Wellington ands, Lincoln avs. The driver was Betty Stoneham, 11 E. Delaware pl.

Woman Victim Succumbs Injuries suffered Monday when she was struck by an automobile at 37th and State were fatal Mrs. Edna Smith, 69, a Negro, tel 3834 South Park way. She was a patient in the County hospital. The driver, Spencer Owens, 17, a Negro, of 5703 S. La Salle was being held for the inquest.

Charles Erickson, 71, of 9735 Exchange died in South Chicago hospital of injuries received Dec. 18 when he was struck by an automobile at 95th st. and Commercial by Oswald Reichel, 46, of drive's Spaulding Harvey. Up to 4 p. m.

yesterday 649 persons had been killed in Cook county traffic accidents since Jan. 1. Of these, 466 were killed in Chicago, where 20,866 were injured in the same period. 110 ALIENS GET GREATEST GIFTU.S. CITIZENSHIP One hundred and ten men and women took the oath of citizenship yesterday before Judge Michael L.

Igoe in federal District court and became full fledged citizens just in time for Christmas. "It is the best present possible," said Albert Baum, 922 Oakdale as he left the courtroom with his wife, Merrit. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are the three cornerstones of American life," Judge told the new citizens. "There are some countries which believe that mankind was created for the government. Here it is the government which is created for kind." CHARLES W.

ROSS, BANK PRESIDENT IN AURORA, DIES Charles W. Ross, 65, of 315 Sunset Aurora, president of the Merchants National Bank of Aurora, died of a heart attack yesterday at his desk in the bank. Mr. Ross was former president of banks in Grand Forks, N. East Chicago, and Indiana Harbor, Ind.

For a time he was associated with the Federal Reserve bank in Chicago in connection with liquidation of closed banks in Michigan. He had been president of the Aurora bank since July, 1934. His widow, Helen a son, Richard and two daughters, Janet and Patricia, survive. Quick Relief For COLD COUGH SUFFERERS by inhaling and rubbing Devine's Zina Ray Oil Relieves Muscular Aches and Pains due to Colds Easy to Use Mild and Soothing Safe for Children to Use Get trial size bottle for 59c today at Goldblatt's, Wieboldt's, New Boston Store, or your local drug store. Double your money back if not satisfied, or send $1.00 for large family size.

DEVINE'S REMEDIES 1124 N. Clark St. Chicago 10, Illinois DEATH NOTICES In Memoriam CHRISTENSEN-PIc. Glen W. Christensen.

In loving memory of our dear son and brother, who was killed in Luxembourg, Dec. 25, 1944. MOM, DAD, SISTERS, and BROTHER. COOK-Harlan Cook, Dec. 25, 1945.

We loved you, daddy," as well you know. We always had such fun, we three. A year ago God beckoned you, You went away, we mourn for you. My dearest, for many years We shared the laughter and the tears Of life together, love so true, And now you're gone I cry for you. We think of you all through the day, We try to cry our tears away, For when God said your life was through, He took our lives along with you.

WIFE MARY AND SON TOM. DIAMOND -Hattie Diamond. In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away 11 years ago today. CARROLL, and SAM. DOLSKI-Sgt.

Frank V. Dolski, U. S. A. A.

F. In loving remembrance on your 23d birthday, Dec. 25. AUNT CLARA VIERKE. HANDLER- Albert Handler.

The memory of you is always in our hearts. ROSE AND SHIRLEY. HANEMAN-William J. Haneman. Christmas without you and should I live a thousand years I never will forget you.

Sad and lonely wife, BIRDIE. HARTSTOCK-Ruth Barber Hartstock; In loving memory to Our Dear Ruth on this Christmas day, Dec. 25, 1946. Christmas brings back sweet memories, Every memory of her brings a tear, To Our beautiful angel In heaven, Merry Christmas, Ruthie dear." LOVING HUSBAND, MOM AND BROTHER. HURLBURT-MrS.

Ella Hurlburt, Dec. 25, 1945. In memory of our darling mother, who left us one year ago today. May you have everlasting peace and happiness in your new home. Your loving children, HOWARD, MADGE, AND MABLE.

HUSA-Joseph Husa-Dec. 25, 1945. In loving memory of my dear husband. Who passed away one year ago today, A year has passed, a long, long year, Since you were laid to rest; A year of pain and heartache For one who loved you best: My heart still aches with loneliness: My eyes shed many a tear; God only knows how much I miss you, As it ends, the first sad year. Sadly missed by loving wife, ELLA.

LARSON-Martha Larson. In memory of our sister on her birthday, Christmas day, passed away Feb. 23, 1945. EDWARD MICHAELS AND MRS. BROOKS.

MARCINKOWSKI-Pfe. Arthur A. Marcinkowski, killed Dec. 25, 1944, in the English channel. In loving memory of one our hearts could not forget.

We miss you, dear Archie. What would we give to have you back; to hear your voice say, Hello, Ma, hello, Pa." LOVING MOTHER, FATHER, BROTHER, AND SISTER-IN-LAW. NELSON-Martha Nelson. Our Devoted A remembrance on this Christmas Day. YOUR DEVOTED CHILDREN.

NICKELS--Mary Paus Nickels. In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, who passed away Dec. 25, 1942. The Evening Star shines on the grave Of one we loved but could not save, God took her; it was His Will, But in our heart we love her still. LOVING HUSBAND, ADOLPH, AND DAUGHTERS.

HELEN AND EVELYN. THOMAS-Raymond N. Thomas. In memory of your Christmas birthday. GODMOTHER.

Fraternal Notice. AMALGAMATED LITHOGRAPHERS' UNION, LOCAL NO. 4- -Carl Bittner, offset pressman, died Dec. 22, 1946. Funeral Friday, 3 p.

at 5624 W. Irving Park road. FRED W. ZEITZ. President.

ALLEMANG- Allemang, nee Mareneck, of Lombard, beloved wife of Herbert fond mother of John daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mareneck. sister of Arnold, Evelyn, William, and Robert.

Resting at funeral home. Lake st. at 24 Maywood. Services and interment private Thursday. Maywood 14.

-Edwin W. Anderson, beloved husband of Mary, nee Zahn; fond father of William Edwin and Mary Margaret, son of Ebba Anderson, brother of Wilma, Thelma, Elmer, Gerald, and Thorwald. At funeral home. 3918 Irving Park road. Services Friday, Dec.

27, at 2 p. m. Interment Ridgewood. ANDREWS-Margaret Andrews, nee Gallagher, of 8310 Monticello avenue. Skokie, formerly of Western Springs, beloved wife of Donald, loving mother of Margaret Ann and Donald Jr.

Resting at funeral home, 518 Hillgrove avenue, corner of Franklin, Western Springs, where services will be held Friday at 10 m. Interment Walnut Corners. Ill. -Walter Augustynlak, 2854 S. Poplar avenue, beloved husband of Florence, dear father of Theodore, Cecilia, Adaline Pikula, Richard.

Phillip, Esther, and Marlene, brother of Joseph, Frank, John and Victoria Wojciechowski. Funeral Friday, 9:30 a. from chapel, 1059 W. 32d street, to St. Barbara's church.

Interment Resurrection cemetery, Yards 6424. AYERS-Elizabeth Ayers, Dec. 23, late of 3901 Grove avenue. Brookfield, beloved wife of the late James, dear mother of Agnes Meenaugh and Rose Bellis, grandmother of three, great-grandmother of six. Funeral Thursday at 9.

a. m. at funeral home, 3745 Grand boulevard, Brookfield, to St. Barbara's church. Interment Mount Carmel.

Member of w. C. O. F. Brookfield 3800.

BANOVICH-Christ Banovich, beloved husband of Jennie, nee Eisha; brother of Michael. Funeral Thursday, December 26, at 9 a. m. from chapel, 6217 S. Ashland avenue to St.

Theodore's church. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. Pro. 0400.

BELL-William A. Bell, late residence, 804 E. 82d street, husband of Carrie, nee Hellenberg; brother of Mrs. Rufus E. Geib of Lafayette, and Fred of Remington, Ind.

Member of Triluminar lodge, No. 767, A. F. A. and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, local No.B-9.

Resting at funeral home, 79th street and Phillips avenue. Masonic services Thursday, 1:30 p. m. Interment Cedar Park. South Shore 6959.

BENSON-Albin Benson of 7941 Marquette avenue, husband Florence, nee Olson: brother of Joseph of Miami, Fred, and Oscar. Member of Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, local No. 342. Resting at funeral home, 79th street and Phillips avenue. Services Thursday, 3 p.

m. Interment Oak Woods cemetery, Southshore 6959. BINDEL-Emma Bindel, beloved wife of the Albert. Services Thursday, 11 a. at chapel, 4920-24 Irving Park road, Interment Graceland.

Member of Medinah, No. 16, True Kindred Conclave of Illinois. BITTNER-Carl J. Bittner, dearly beloved husband of the late Katherine, nee Reb; fond father of Clementine. Irma Schnelder, Elsie Benning, and Carl, five grandchildren, four great-grandchildren.

Services Friday, Dee. 27, at 3 p. at funeral home, 5622-24 Irving Park road. Interment Mount Olive cemetery. BLOCK -Ernestine Block of 5142 Ingleside avenue, beloved wife of the late Leopold, dear mother of Albert Block, Mrs.

Adele Buchbinder, and the late Elsa Loser. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 26, at 11 a. m. at chapel, 936 E.

47th street. Interment at Greenwood cemetery, Milwaukee, Wis. BOENKE-Ruth E. Boenke, beloved wife of Daniel, dear mother of Daniel daughter of Minnie Allen, sister of Louise Kalk, Paul, and Harold. Services Friday, 1:30 p.

at funeral home, 3224 Montrose avenue. Interment Rosehill. nickel, dearly beloved wife of the late HerBOGDANSKE-Bertha Bogdanske, nee Muehlman Bogdanske, fond mother of Martha Adams, Augusta Maleske, Emma Mekalet, and Walter Bogdanske, mother-in-law of Otto Maleske, Gus Mekalet, Mable Bogdanske, and the late Edward Adams, grandmother of 10 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren, sister of Mary Benz, Anna Baske, the late Gotlieb Muchlnickel, and Paulina Honold. Resting at chapel, 2718 W. 51st street.

until Friday morning. Dec. 27, 10 a. m. Services at the Evangelical Lutheran Peace church, 4300 S.

California avenue, at 1:30 p. m. Interment Bethania. BOHMER-August C. Bohmer of 938 E.

41st street, formerly of Blue Island, beloved husband of Elsie, fond father of Albert, William. Mrs. Isabell Habich, and August brother of Joseph. Resting at funeral home, 13358 Western avenue, Blue Island. Services Friday, Dec.

27, at 2 p. m. Interment Mount Greenwood cemetery. BOOTH-William G. Booth of 7538 Eggleston avenue, beloved husband of Jessie father of Frederick Mrs.

Ralph F. Schaefer of Louisville, and William G. brother of Henry F. Catherine and the late James W. Resting at chapel, 79th and Emerald.

until Friday noon. Services 2 p. m. at Auburn Park Methodist church, 75th and Harvard. Interment Mount Hope.

BRAND--Dr. E. Thomas Brand of 1538. Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, suddenly, beloved husband of Martha Brand, fond step-father of Don and Lucius W. Brigham, U.

S. N. Services Thursday, 1 p. at chapel, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. Interment Memorial Park.

BROWNSTEIN-Mae Brownstein, beloved wife of Maurice dear mother of Flo and Harold, fond sister of Pauline Buxbaum, Louis, and Sam Mitler, both of Wisconsin, grandmother of Stuart Pompian, Natalie, and Shirley Brownstein, loving mother-in-law of Armi Friedman and Miriam Brownstein. Services Thursday, 1 p. at chapel, 5206 Broadway. Interment Westlawn. BURES- James Bures, beloved husband of Rose Bures, fond father of Ervin and Lilian Denmark, brother of N.

Hlavka. Funeral Friday, Dec. 27, 1:30 p. at funeral home, 6617 Cermak road, Berwyn. Call Stanley 1092, CAMPAGNA- James Campagna, Dec.

23, late of 6956 State street, fond husband of the late Mary, nee Lopeste: dear father of Sam, Charles, Mrs. Mary Bergfeld, and James, brother of Sam Campagna. Funeral Friday, 9 a. from funeral home, 1136 W. 87th street, near Racine, to St.

Killan's church. Mass 9:30 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre, Radcliffe 1100. CAMPANELLA- Angelo Campanella, 1830 Fremont street, beloved husband of Rose Campanella, nee Pagano; dear father of Tony, Joseph, and Philip, fond father-in-law of Thelma and Nellte, brother of Rosario, father of three grandchildren, great grandfather of one.

Funeral Friday, Dec. 27, at 9:15 a. m. from chapel, 845 Armitage avenue, to st. Teresa's church.

Interment St. Joseph's. CANADA-William F. Canada, devoted husband of Theona Courchene Canada, fond father of William and Norman of Upper Darby, and Maude C. Moran of Nebraska City, brother of Harry M.

Canada of Newark, N. J. Funeral Saturday, 10:30 a. from funeral home, 2104 W. 95th street.

Interment Holy Sepulchre. CARLSON-John E. Carlson, dear husband of Anna, nee Procknow: fond father of Carl, uncle of Clifford. Walter, and Arthur Carlson. Service Thursday, 2 p.

at funeral home, 2118 Lawrence avenue. Interment Concordia. CLAPPIS -Stella Clappis. loving wife of Nick. fond Constantina, mother of Aristotle, George, Dimitri, Helen, and Sophie.

Funeral Friday, Dec. 27. 12:30 p. from funeral home, 214-216 S. Western avenue, at Jackson boulevard, to Holy Trinity church.

Interment Elmwood Park cemetery. Information Monroe 1376. CLEARY-Michael A. Cleary, son of the late William and Bridget Frewen Cleary, brother of Dec. Anna 26, Cleary Shea.

Funeral Thursday, at 8:45 a. from funeral home, 1359 Devon avenue, et Glenwood, to St. Mel's church and Calvary cemetery. CLINE-Catherine Cline, fond sister of James and the late Owen, Patrick, John, Edward, Daniel, Mrs. Nora McGuire, and Thomas, Mrs.

Maryann Cunningham. Services Thursday, 9:30 A. from chapel, 4542 N. Ravenswood avenue, to Queen of Angels church. Interment Mount Carmel.

OOMENS- -Walter Oomens. In fond and loving memory of our husband and father, who passed away six years ago today. MRS. ADRIANA COMENS AND CHILDREN. CONNORS- James E.

Connors of 1004 N. Lawler avenue, beloved husband of the late Mary, nee Thivierge: loving father of Edward, Mrs. Irene Moller, and Mrs. Helen Barrows. Funeral Thursday, 9:30 A.

from funeral home, 5018-20 Chicago avenue, to Our Lady Help of Christian church. Interment Mount Carmel. Member of Retired Firemen's association, COURCHENE-See William F. Canada notice. CRAMER- Johanna Cramer, beloved wife of the late Frederick mother of Theresa Cartmill, Henry Cramer, Frieda Kleinschmidt, and Joseph Dumke.

Funeral Friday, 1:30 p. at chapel, 79th and Emerald, Interment Evergreen. CREEN-Patrick J. Creen, beloved husband of Nellie, nee Harkins; fond father of Mrs. Peter Keany, John.

and the late Loman. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 26, at 9:30 a.m., from his late residence, 6330 N. Talman to St. Timothy church.

Interment All Saints', Member of Street Car Men's union, Div. 241. DAY--Dorothy Rinearson-Day of 11533 Wallace street, beloved wife of Herbert H. mother of Russell Iseminger and Mrs. Ruth Excell, sister of Paul R.

and Frank B. RInearson. Services at chapel, 304 W. 119th street, Friday at 1:30 p. m.

Interment Cedar -Park. Member of Rising Star Rebekah lodge, No. 401. -Elizabeth Dearth, late of 7806 Champlain avenue, beloved wife of the late James fond sister of Mrs. Mary Raftery, dear aunt of Joseph, Robert, and Walter Raftery, Funeral Thursday, 9 a.

from chapel, 7705 Cottage Grove avenue, to St. Dorothy's church. Mass 9:30 6. m. Interment Mount Olivet.

Gilman, papers please copy. DE POALO-See Joseph Marcchione notice. DE VONA-Anna De Vona, fond wife of the late Peter beloved mother of Josephine, Edward Frank, Anthony. Nina, and the late Chris. Funeral Friday, Dec.

27. at 9:30 a. m. from funeral home. 245 W.

North avenue. to St. Michael's church: Eugenie and Cleveland avenue. Kansas City papers please copy. DIETZ-Anna B.

Dietz. wife of B. H. Dietz. sister of Mrs.

Thomas Weiss and Loretta Covey. Funeral at home for funerals, Erte at Wabash avenue, Friday, Dec. 27, at 2 p. m. Interment Montrose.

DRNEK- Joseph Drnek, husband of the late Mary, father of Mrs. Josephine Moran, Mrs. Elizabeth Tichy, Mrs. Mae Dickenson. and John, brother of Stephen.

Funeral Thursday, 10:30 a. m. from chapel, 2346 W. Madison street, to our Lady of Sorrows church and St. Adalbert's cemetery.

EDDY-Anna T. Eddy, Dec. 23, wife of the late Charles mother of Bernice E. Sultan Shakmanoff and the late Bertram C. and John D.

Eddy, sister of the late Mary T. Green and Edward Tobin. Resting at residence. 6318 S. Maplewood avenue, until noon Thursday.

Funeral Thursday, 2:30 p. at Drexel Park Presbyterian church, 64th street and Marshfield avenue. Interment Oak Woods. South Shore 8822. EHLSCHLAGER Nancy Ehlschlager, beloved daughter of Arthur and Marion Ehlschlager, nee Collins; loving sister of Lawrence, fond granddaughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Leon Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ehlschlager. Funeral private at convenience of the family.

ELDER-Nelle Elder, at St. Petersburg, dear sister of Mayme Baumgard, Carrie Blish, and Mabel Citizen. At funeral home, 4048- 50 W. Harrison street. Funeral Thursday, 2 p.

m. Interment Rosehill mausoleum. Nevada 2818, FENWICK-Althea Fenwick, In New York City, formerly of 2441 N. Albany avenue, beloved wife of John Burton Fenwick, loving mother of John Michael, dear daughter of Eda Tamagno, sister of Julia and Chelso. ServIces Friday, 9:30 a.

from funeral home, 3301 Fullerton avenue, to St. Sylvester's church. Interment St. Joseph's. Friends may call after 12 noon Thursday.

FLEMING-Andrew Fleming, beloved husband of the late Ellie Fleming, nee Cowell; fond father of Mrs. Jane Catchpole, Mrs. Ella Frankish, Mrs. Elizabeth Larson, Mrs. Lily Buchholz, Mrs.

Hilda Erickson. Andrew Alexander, Jessie, George, and Donald, 19 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Funeral Thursday, 2 p. at funeral home, Lake street at 2d avenue, Maywood. Member of Melrose Park lodge, No.

1165, A. F. A. M. Interment Mount Emblem.

Maywood 14. FLETCHER Carolina Fletcher. 6405 S. Emerald beloved wife of Thomas C. Fletcher, sister of Mrs.

Gina Hendricksen, Mrs. Emma Kyllo, and Hector Knudson. Resting at chapel, 415 W. 63d until 10:30 a. m.

Friday. Funeral 1 p. Salvation Army temple, W. 64th st. and S.

Emerald av. Interment Mount Greenwood cemetery. GIUNTA- Antonio Glunta, age 83 years, beloved husband of the late Marianna, fond father of Mrs. Rosa B. Pusatert.

Mrs. Mary E. Saccone, Mrs. Anna M. Saccone, and Joseph B.

Giunta, eight grandchildren, brother of Michael, Salvatore, Gus, and Mrs. Rosina Piazza. Funeral Thursday at 9:30 a. m. from late residence, 5814 N.

Virginia avenue, to St. Hilary church, California and Bryn Mawr. Interment All Saints'. GLANDER-George F. Glander of 5211 W.

Warner avenue, beloved husband of Agnes nee Dennis; fond father of Lovina Gardner and Clara Cogshell, loving son of Minnie, dear brother of Albert W. At chapel. 3905-07 Lincoln avenue, where services will be held Thursday, 3 p. under auspices of Community lodge, No. 1005, A.

F. A. M. Member of Fort Dearborn chapter, No. 245, R.

A. M. Interment Acacia Park. GORMAN-Mary E. McKenna Gorman, 6823 Parnell avenue, beloved wife of the late George fond mother of George Charles and Joseph sister of Stacia, McKenna and the late Joseph F.

Resting at funeral home, 6915 Wentworth avenue. Funeral Friday, at 9 a. to St. Bernard's church. Mass at 9:30 a.

m. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. GRAFFIN-Dominick Graffin of 2913 Belden avenue, beloved husband of the late Olga, dear father of Hazel and Dr. Lester Graffin, grandfather of Willard and Jack, brother of the late Jennie.

Services Thursday, at 2 p. at funeral home, 3301 Fullerton avenue. Interment Ridgewood. GRAMMAR-Percy Grammar, suddenly, beloved husband of Gertrude, loving son of Flora and the late Alli, fond father of Velma, Vivian. Le Roy, Virginia, Verma Katherine, Bernard, and Howard, fond brother of Mrs.

Virgie Gay of Nashville, Delmas, and Mrs. Katherine Sanford. Services 2 p. m. Friday, at funeral home, 214-216 S.

Western avenue, at Jackson boulevard. Interment Oak Hill cemetery, Information, Monroe 1376. GREENE-William Greene, late of 2348 N. Moody avenue, beloved brother of Mrs. Sarah McCauley, Miss Lillian Greene, Mrs.

Rose Benjamin, John Anthony and the late Peter and Frank. Funeral Friday, 9 a. from funeral home, 2500 N. Cicero avenue, to St. John Bosco church.

Interment St. Joseph's. Berkshire 8070. GROCKE- -Josephine Grocke, Dec. 22, late 2200 N.

Mulligan avenue, beloved wife of Albert, loving mother of Roman, Lillian Karpy, Elizabeth Nasca, Edward, and William, and the late Wanda Szczepanski and Joseph. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 26, 8:45 a. from chapel, 2129 Webster avenue, to St. John Bosco church.

Interment St. Adalbert's. Information, Armitage 4630. GROVE- Mary E. Grove, nee Cross.

late of 5238 Lieb avenue, beloved wife of the late James, loving mother of G. Carlton, F. Raymond, and Alfred sister of Lucy Cherry and Catherine Cross. Services Friday, p. at funeral home, 4553-61 Milwaukee Interment Oakridge.

-George Hickey Jr. formerly of 8008 S. Sangamon, suddenly, loving son of George and Ruth brother of Marilyn Hickey. Resting at chapel, 7949 S. Halsted street.

Free parking next door. Funeral Thursday at 9:30 a. m. to St. Leo's church.

Burial Holy Sepulchre cemetery, Private. Please omit flowers. ISRAELSON-Lawrence W. Israelson, Dec. 24, of 4319 W.

Parker avenue, beloved husband of Maude fond father of Lawrence grandfather of Donald Lawrence Israelson. -brother Mrs. Emma Frampton and Albert Israelson. Resting at chapel, 4138 W. North avenue, where services will be held Friday, 1:30 p.

m. Member of Myrtle lodge, No. 795, A. F. A.

M. Interment Memorial Park cemetery, JACOBS -Bessie Jacobs, nee Ruekberg; beloved wife of the late Paul Samuel, dear mother of Doris and Phyllis, fond sister of Sadie Meyers, Anna Levin, and Jeanette Victor, and the late Joseph. Services Thursday, 2 p. at chapel, 5206 Broadway. JANDRIS-Catherine Jandris, nee Kotrosits, late of 1106 N.

Kedvale, beloved Joseph, fond mother of Mrs. Ann Bandelin, Margaret. Joseph Nick, Mrs. Catherine Cortes, Belle, and the late Pfc. Matthew, dear grandmother of Donald end Florence Bandelin and Bobby and Raymond Cortes.

Funeral Thursday, Dec. 26, at 9 a.m., from funeral home, 4255-57 W. Division street, to Our Lady of Angels church. Interment St. Joseph's cemetery.

Albany 3600. JOHNSON-Arthur G. Johnson, 6908 S. Union avenue, Dec. 23, 1946, beloved husband of Serena M.

Johnson, brother of Paul. Clifford, and Clifton Johnson, Mrs. Olga Lindquist. Mrs. Stella Dahlquist, Mrs.

Phoebe Morton. and Mrs. Lavern Johnson. At chapel, 316 W. 63d street.

at Harvard avenue, where services will be held Thursday, Dec. 26, at 2 p. m1. Interment Fairmount. JOHNSON-Lucy Louella Wisden Johnson, at her residence.

649 Indian Toronto, Wednesday evening, December 18, 1946. dearly beloved wife of Thomas B. Johnson and dear sister of Lillian Scott McLean. Funeral services were held December 21st in the Turner Porter chapel, 436 Roncesvalles Toronto. Interment Prospect cemetery.

JOHNSON-Charles J. Johnson, late of 2310 Farragut avenue, beloved husband of Ottilia, father of Mrs. Elizabeth Swan. Services Thursday, Dec. 26, 1 p.

at funeral home, 5200 N. Western avenue, corner of Foster. Interment Acacia Park. KECK-Anna Keck, beloved wife of Frank, fond mother of Mrs. Rose Nash, Mrs.

Ann Repetto, John, William and the late Joseph Keck. Funeral Thursday, 2 p. at chapel, 929 Belmont avenue. Interment Montrose cemetery. KEEGAN-Ellen Keegan, nee Partridge, of 10453 Forest avenue, beloved wife of the late John, fond mother of Mrs.

Ellen Ryan, grandmother of Pearl, Helen, Barbara Jean, and Lorraine. Funeral Thursday at 9:45 a. m. from funeral home, Racine avenue at 78th place, to Holy Rosary church. Interment Holy Sepulchre.

Triangle 7300, KENNEDY-George H. Kennedy of 6217 S. Tripp beloved husband of May, nee Walmsley; fond father of Mae Venekamp, Violet Lupescu, George Bernice Venekamp, and June Dunne. Services Thursday, 1:30 p. at chapel, 5908 S.

Kedzle av. Interment Evergreen. Grovehill 0090. KERNEN-Amelia Kernen of 2328 W. Madison street, beloved sister of the late Mathilda Hufnal, fond sister-in-law of Grace Kernen, loving aunt of Edith Kernen and Ethel Aubrey White.

Services Thursday, Dec. 26, 9:30 a. at funeral home, 214-216 S. Western avenue, at Jackson boulevard. Interment Elmwood Park cemetery.

Information, Monroe 1376. KOLL-Dorette Koll, nee Sundmacher, dear wife of the late Ernst, mother of Dora Lutz and Henry C. Koll. Service Thursday, 3 p. at late residence, 5855 N.

Kenneth avenue. Interment Eden. Kindly omit flowers. KOPKO-Peter Kopko, residence at 9240 AvaIon avenue, beloved son of Stanley and Anna Kopko of Monongahela. dear brother of George and Mary Kopko of Pennsylvania, Mrs.

Ann MeVicker Feahney and Nicholas Kopko of Chicago. Resting at chapel, 9500 Commercial avenue, until 11 p. m. Wednesday. Burial at Monongahela, Pa.

South Chicago 0155. -Clara Korbus, nee Schroeder, 2715 Nelson street. Dec. 24, 1946, beloved wife of Charles, loving mother of William and Louis Schroeder, Dolores Metier, Dorothy Jenkinson. and Caroline Mahoney, dear grandmother of seven grandchildren.

ServIces Friday, Dec. 27, at 2 p. at chapel. 2114 Irving Park road. Interment at Acacia Park cemetery, LARDERUCCIO--Anna Larderuccio, beloved wife of Sam, loving mother of Rose Conoscenti and Salvatore, Funeral Friday.

10 A. from chapel. 2950-58 Fulerton at Sacramento, to St. Viator's church. Interment Mount Carmel, Bel.

3300 or KIl. 4000. LEGNER -Shirley Ann Legner of 6636 W. 23d street, Berwyn, loving daughter of Otto G. and Anna J.

Legner, nee Vondrak; sister of Barbara Joyce. Funeral Thursday. 10:30 m. at chapel, 6507 W. Cermak road.

Cremation Bohemian National cemetery. Stanley 2310. LINDNER-Frank J. Lindner, beloved husband of Grace, nee Atkins: dear father of Harvey brother of Anna Bishop, and Amelia Johnson. Funeral from chapel, 4138 Madison street, Friday at 9 a.

to St. Mel's church. Interment family lot. LISS- -Lena Liss of 5110 Kenwood avenue. beloved wife of the late Nathan, dear mother of David, Louts, Philip, Ted.

Leon, Sara Brownstone, Esther, and Sandra Schefter, fond grandmother of Warren, Beverley, Barbara, Ann. Nadene, and Diane. Services Thursday, 10 A. 10.. at chapel, 6935 Stony Island avenue.

Interment Rosemont Park cemetery. LOQUIST Loquist, Dec. 24. 1946, beloved sister of Meta, Charles Loquist, and the late Jennie B. Pierce.

At chapel, 5501 N. Ashland avenue, where services will be held Friday, Dec. 27, at 1 p. m. Interment private.

LORRANG-Anton Lorrang. Dee. 23, 1946, beloved husband of Hanna, fond brother of Katherine Schwartz, Funeral Thursday, 9:30 e. from chapel, 1723 Larrabee street, to St. Michael's church.

Interment St. Joseph's cemetery. LULINSKI-Anna Lulinski, nee Kowalakl, late residence. 8324 Burley avenue, 24. beloved wife of Adam M.

Lulinski, dear mother of John. Sylvester, and the late Harry, sister of Joseph and Alex Kowalski, Helen Szamecki, and the late John C. Kowalski, fond daughter of Frances E. Kowaiski, mother-in-law of Stephanie. Jaglo, Genevieve and Eleanor Lulinski, grandmother of Sylvester.

Thomas and Peter Lulinskt. Funeral Friday, Dec. 27, 9:30 a. from chapel. 8324 Burley avenue.

to St. Michael's church, where requiem high mass will be celebrated at 10 a. m. Burial Holy -Cross cemetery. Sou.

C. 0538. MARCCHIONE-Joseph Marcchione, late of 1004 S. Hoyne avenue, step-father of Edward De Poalo, brother of Frank and Anthony. Funeral Thursday, 9 a.

m. from chapel, 900 S. Sacramento boulevard, to Blessed Mother Cabrini church. Interment Mount Carmel. Sac.

4747. McGURK-Joseph Patrick McGurk, beloved husband of Anna Mary. Member of Civil Service post, No. 678, A. L.

and Chicago Journeymen Plumbers union. No. 130. At funeral home, 5438 S. Halsted street.

Funeral notice later. Boulevard 0662. McMANUS John J. McManus. suddenly, of 3741 Wayne avenue, dearly beloved of the late James F.

and Bridget. nee Mackel; loving brother of Mary E. Baynes. Rita Scully and Loretta Hahn and the late James o. McManus.

fond uncle of the Rev. George E. Baynes, O. M. Mary Rose Coughlin, Patricia, and Nancy Scully, and Jerry Hahn.

Funeral Thursday, 10:30 e. from funeral home, 1732 Wilson avenue. to St. Andrew's church. Interment Calvary.

Member of Walter S. Poague, American Legion post, No. 161. MEARNS- Mary A. Mearns.

wife of the late James, dear mother of Jeanette Talt, William. Mary Wiberg, Helen, Robert. Maxwell, and the late John, 16 grandchildren, four greatgrandchildren, fond sister of Jessie Lind and Bella Wilson. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 26, at 3 p.

m. at chapel, 7032 Wentworth avenue. Interment Cedar Park. MECKE-Martin Mecke of 2025 N. Kimball avenue, beloved husband of Anna, nee Schutz: fond father of Martin brother of Dora DI1I and Anna Heldenbluth.

Funeral Thursday at 9:30 a. m. from funeral home, 2166- 68 N. California avenue at Palmer street. to St.

Sylvester's church. Interment St. Bontface's. Member of St. Sylvester's Holy Name society and St.

Ambrose court, C. O. F. Information, Humboldt 2773. 6319 S.

Parnell avenue, beloved wife of MEGARRY-Leone Megatry, Dee. 23, 1946, George Megarry, mother of Mrs. Frances Garrette and George E. Megarry, sister of William Beagley. Resting at chapel, 415 w.

634 street. Funeral Thursday, 1 p. m. Interment Pleasant Hill cemetery, Frankfort, Ill. MEUSER-Henry Meuser, formerly of 2239 S.

Kildare avenue, beloved brother of the late Theresa Noftz. Resting at funeral home, 4115-17 W. 26th street, Services Thursday, 2 p. m. Interment Concordia.

MOHLER-Charles S. Mohler, 6620 W. 31st street, Berwyn, beloved husband of Mildred Mohler, fond father of Mrs. Maxine Mihalik and Betty Mohler. Service 3 p.

m. Thursday at funeral home, 6910 Windsor avenue, Berwyn. Interment Woodlawn. MOHLER-Mildred Mohler, 6620 W. 31at Berwyn, beloved wife of Charles fond mother of Mrs.

Maxine Mihallk and Betty Mohler. Service 3 p. Thursday, at funeral home, 6910 Windsor Berwyn. Interment Woodlawn. MONTELEONE--Vito Monteleone of 1015 N.

Sedgwick street, beloved husband of Josephine, father of Victor. Funeral Thursday, Dec. 26, at 9 a. at chapel, 708 N. Wells at Huron, 10 a.

at St. Dominic's. church, Locust and Sedgwick streets. Interment Mount Carmel. Sup.

0095. MOSEGAARD-Annetta Mosegaard, Dec. 24, 1946, wife of the late Rasmus Mosegaard, mother of Elmer and Ralph. At chapel, 316 W. 63d street, at Harvard avenue, where services will be held Friday, Dec.

27, at 2 p. m. Interment Mount Hope. O'BRIEN-Thomas O'Brien, beloved husband of Dot Fish O'Brien, fond brother of Mrs. Mae Flaegel.

of Los Angeles, and the late. Mrs. Jennie Ring, and John O'Brien. Funeral Thursday, 9:30 a. from chapel, 1820 S.

Michigan avenue, to St. Ambrose church. Interment St. Mary's. O'CONNNOR-Mae L.

O'Connor, beloved daughter of the late John and Sabina O'Connor, sister of Patrick and the late John, Mamie, and Mrs. Margaret Finch. Funeral Friday, Dec. 27. at 9:30 a.

m. from her late restdence, 2727 W. Flournoy street, to Precious Blood church. Interment Mount Carmel. Canal 1344.

RICHARDSON-Hadwin Houghton Richardson Dec. 24, 1946. of 731 Clinton place. Evanston. husband of Edith W.

Richardson. father of Mrs. Ralph E. Church Jr. brother of Mrs.

Constance Kemper. Service 2.30 p. m. Thursday at St. Mark's church, Ridge avenue and Grove street, Evanston.

Burial private. RINEHART-John Rinehart. Dee. 22. beloved husband of Mae, dear father of Jack and Laura Shewell, grandfather of Jacqueline and Shirley Shewell.

Services Thursday, Dec. 26, 2 p. at chapel. 3154 N. Clark street.

Cremation Graceland. ROLL Bernhard Roll, beloved husband of Marietta, loving father of Earl D. Roll, grandfather of Donald and Marilyn. brother of Henry Roll and the late William Rolle and Dora Kurtz. Services Thursday, 2:45 p.

m. at funeral home, 1023 N. California. Interment Chapel Hill Garden. ROSS-Harry E.

Ross, 617 N. Taylor avence, Oak Park, husband of Elizabeth brother of Paul Roland and Leona Ross, and Emma Hildebrandt. Resting at funeral home, 203 S. Marion street. Oak Park.

Services Thursday, 1:30 p. m. Burial Mount Emblem. RUGE-Kathrine Ruge, beloved wife of tave, sister of the late Henrietta Hosp and Philip Roos. Services Thursday, 1:30 p.

at funeral home, 1023 N. California avenue. Interment Elmwood. RYAN-See Ellen Keegan notice. SACCONE-See Giunta notice.

SAJATOVIC Marko Sajatovie 6111 Kedvale avenue, fond father of Nicholas, Michael, John. Peter. Ella, and Zora, dear brother of Mary Burdar, father-In-law of Ann. Rose and Lena. Funeral Thursday, 8:30 a.

m. from chapel, 2658. S. Central Park avenue, to SS. Peter and Paul church.

Interment Resurrection cemetery. Law, 3101. SCHROEDER-See Clara Korbus notice. SEVERTSEN-Edward B. Severtsen, 3012 Wal nut street, beloved husband of the late Mary, nee Rothery: loving father of Frank Joseph and John J.

Severtsen. Funeral Thursday, 2 p. at chapel. 4817 Madison street. Burial Mount Carmel.

Austin 1137. SHOLDICE-William J. Sholdice, beloved band of Winifred, nee Crowley; loving father of William and Jeanne. fond brother of Matilda Clarks and Joseph. Funeral from late residence.

3938 W. Arthingten street. Thursday, Dec. 26, at 0 a. mi, to Presentation church.

Interment Mount Carmel. Member of Presentation Holy Name society. The Henry Honack post. No, 1583, V. F.

and local 134. I. B. of W. Please flowers.

SIEBECK-Leopoldine Stebeck. 6242 Melrose street, Dec. 22, 1946, beloved wife of Here man, dear sister of Paul Lischko, fond sisterIn-law of Richard Siebeck. Funeral Thursday. Dec.

26, at 2 p. m. at chapel, 2114 Irving Park road, Interment Eimwood cemetery. SINGER- Julius J. Singer.

Dee. 23, suddenly. beloved husband of Marte, fond father Mrs. Marie Kinsella, Frances Singer. William J.

Monks, and John E. Taylor, brother of Mrs. Frieda Igl, Mrs. Antonette Basallion, Mrs. Marie Krauldis, and Anton Singer.

Resting at chapel, 5522 S. Halsted street. where services will be held Thursday. p. m.

Interment St. Mary's. SIWE-Michalina Siwe of 2898 Milwaukee nue, beloved wife of the late Alexander, ing mother of Jeanne. Matthew. Sophie, Helen Nastall, John.

and Josephine Blazek. Funeral Friday, 10:30 from chapel, 3630 W. George street, to St. Hyacinth's church. Interment St.

Adalbert's. Arm. 2934. SLOWEY-Antoinette Lasheft Slowey 645 W. 63d place, beloved wife of the late Joseph F.

Slowey, dear mother of Ann. Martha Lyons, Theresa Reid, Frank. and Clement Slowey, fond sister of Julius Lashed. Funeral Friday, 9 from funeral home, 6237 8. Normal bivd.

to St. 'Martin's church. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. Member of St.

Christine court W. C. O. F. and St.

Martin's Christian Mothers society. SPATHAS-George J. Spathas, dear uncle John, Milton, and Mrs. Bessie M. Starr.

Funeral Friday, Dec. 27. 1:30 m. chapel. 4710 N.

Western avenue. Services 2. p. m. at St.

Demetrios' church. 2701 Winona avenue. Interment Elmwood cemetery. STERN--Morris Stern of 3812 Pine Grove avenue, beloved husband of Sarah. dear father of Anna Balterman.

Dr. N. Adelaide Ruby, Ted. Jack. and Isabel Reich.

fond brother of Sam and Myrtle Davis. Services Thursday, 10 a. at chapel. 5206 Broadway. Interment Anshe Emet section Memorial Park.

Please omit flowers, STONE--Frank H. Stone. Dec 24, 1946, of 3245 Warren son of the late Herbert E. and Bertha Stone, father of Mildred Schreeder and Evelyn Elworth, brother of Margaret Nelson and Helen Anderson. Resting at funeral home, 318 Central avenue, Austin.

Services Friday, 1 p. m. Interment Oakridge. Austin 0017. STRONER-Frank Stroner, beloved husband of the late Sophie, loving father of Sophie Strait, Betty Lau, William, and Frank.

dear father-In-law of Walter Strait. Robert Lau, Myrtle, and Helen, fand grandfather of Walter, Daniel. and Nancy Strait. William. Joan, and Sandra, great-grandfather of Linda Lee Strait.

Funeral Thursday. 2 p. at funeral home, 3821 W. 26th street. Interment Bohemian National.

Lawndale 2912. STRUBIN-William A. Strubin, 6621 S. Wol cott avenue. Dec.

24. 1946, husband of the late Agnes Strubin, father of Robert William. William John, Jean, and Mary Lee Strubta and Agnes Durack. At chapel. 316 W.

634 street, at Harvard avenue, where services will be held Friday, Dec. 27, at 1 p. Interment Fairmount. Member Retired Fireman's Assn. THOMAS-Myrtle I.

Thomas, nee La Moyne, of 331 S. Stewart Libertyville, daughter of Andrea and the late Albert La Moyne, loving wife of Claire, fond mether of Gordon and sister of Charles and the late Anna La Moyne. Resting at funeral home, 120 W. Park Libertyville. Serve ices Thursday, Dec.

26, at 2 p. m. Interment Ivanhoe cemetery. THOMASEN-Andrew Thomasen. Dec.

24 loved husband of Anna, nee Davidsen, fond father of Magnus of Chicago, Karolina, Nils. and Thomas of Bergen, Norway, Services Friday, 1:30 p. at funeral home. 3429 Fullerton avenue. Interment Mount Olive, Member of Roald Amundsen lodge.

No. 98, S. of and Sheet Metal Workers! union. TOLL--Morris Toll. 3307 W.

15th street. be loved husband of Dora, fond father of Louts, Anna Fidelman, Esther Fine. Minnie Harry, Sam and George, grandfather twenty-five, great-grandfather of twenty one. Services Thursday, 11 a. m.

at funeral chapel, 704 S. Crawford avenue. Interment Jewish Waldheim. TRUNK-Joseph Trunk of 5416 3. Latin street, beloved husband of Caroline Karli Trunk, fond father of Jule, Edward.

Ray. mond, Claire, and Kenneth Trunk, grandfather of Arlene Trunk. Resting at chapel, 1503 W. 51st street. Funeral Thursday, Dec.

26, at 9 a.m.. to St. Augustine's churcha Interment St. Mary's. For Information call Yards 4765.

TURNER- E. Turner of 1900 Addison street, dear brother of the late Mary. Sarah, Moody, John. Charles, Ella Trelease, Thomas, and Henrietta Fishleigh. At chapel.

3905-07 Lincoln avenue, where services will be beld Thursday, 2 p. m. Interment Roschill. van DELDEN-Burdetta M. Garrard van Delden, of 6111 Greenwood avenue.

beloved mother of Dorinda Banks, Schulen van Delden, Leah Casey, Alida Mills, and Earla Brices, grandmother of William Banks, Elaine, and Marlene van Delden, great-grandmother of Robert Garrard Banks. Services at chapel, 7838 Cottage Grove avenue, Thursday, Dec. 26, at 1 p. m. Interment Elmwood cemetery, Hammond, Ind.

Franklin, Par papers please copy. Radcliffe 0220. WAHRER-Walter J. Wahrer, late of 415 lerton parkway, fond brother of Mrs. E.

M. Beane, Charles Harry and the late Albert L. Wahrer, Mrs. Frances Helmbach, and Mrs. Clara Louise Banning.

Funeral Thurs day, 9 from chapel. 929 Belmont ave nue to Our Lady of Mount Carmel church. WEDMORE-Thomas H. Wedmore, late of 5322 S. Western avenue.

beloved husband Jeannette nee Nelles: loving father of Sister Thomas, Sisters of Christian Charity, Detroit, stepfather of Dorothy Leonard. George, Anita, and John McGrew, brother. of Nellie Crawford and Alice Walters of London, Canada. Funeral Friday, Dec. 27, at 8:30 a.

from chapel. 5113 S. Western avenue. to st. Clare of Montetalco church.

Interment St. Joseph's. Pro. 4758. -Herman W.

Welp, late residence, 8833 Coltax avenue, husband of Emma, nee Brettsprecher; father of Mrs. John Koran, Herman. Edward. Art, and the late Erna, brother of Mrs. Clara Fedder.

Henry, and August. all of St. Louis. Mo. Resting at funeral home, 79th street and Phillips avenue, until 11 a.

m. Friday, then to lie in state at the Immanuel Ev. Luth. church. 9039 Houston avenue.

Services 2 p. m. Interment Concordia cemetery, Hammond. Ind. South Shore 6959.

WERNER-Claire J. Werner. nee Chizever, age 35, of 310 N. Pine avenue, beloved wife of Henry, dear mother of Stuart and Barry, devoted daughter of the late Sol and Helen Chizever, fond sister of Florence Goften, Gertrude Shore, and Corp. Ire.

Services Thursday. 11 a. at chapel, 5206 Broadway. Interment Westlawn. Family at home of Dr.

Samuel V. Goffen, 6210 N. Washtenaw avenue. WESTERDAHL-Edwin W. Westerdahl.

Dec. 22, late residence, 8819 Cottage Grove ave nue, husband of Rose, father of Evelyn Belt, Verna Mae. and Edwin, brother of Mrs. Daniel Anderson and Herman Westerdahl. Funeral Thursday, 2 p.

m. at mortuary, 10240 Ewing avenue. Interment Local cere tery. Sou. 0632.

WESTON-Mary Weston, formerly of 8505 Maryland avenue, beloved wife of Oliver P. fond mother of Julia, Edward. and Virginia, grandmother of Mary Ann. Funeral Friday. 9 a.

from late residence, 7907 S. Avalon avenue, to St. Francis de Paula church. terment St. Mary's cemetery, WIEGAND-Emma Wiegand.

beloved wife of the late Herman. dear mother of Arthur. Alex, and Fred, sister of Ignatius Vim and Theresa Moebe, grandmother of Norman and Carole. Services Thursday, 11 m. at funeral home, 1458 Belmont avenue.

Interment. Mount Auburn. WILLIAMS-Agnes Williams. 1255 N. soit.

beloved wife of the late Harry Williams, dear mother of Norman and late Edward Williams, At funeral home, Austin boulevard at Lake street. Funeral Thursday, 9:30 a. m. to St. Angela's church.

Interment Mount Carmel,.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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