Story Behind the Song: 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon' (2025)

Dave Paulson|The Tennessean

A tale printed in Reader's Digest leapedoff the page for songwriter L. Russell Brown.

He shared the romantic Civil War-era story with his songwriting partner Irwin Levine, and together they wrote one of the biggest hits of the '70s: Tony Orlando and Dawn's "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree." Brown shared the story behind the song with Bart Herbison of Nashville Songwriters Association International.

Bart Herbison: People that weren't there don't remember the magnitude of "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree." It was truly a cultural phenomenon. The song was on charts forever. It was a global masterpiece. Stories were written about it. TV shows use that thing. Irwin Levine was your co-writer. How did this song materialize?

L. Russell Brown: I was reading the Reader's Digest. … I read it from front to back. There was an article … it was about a soldier coming home from Andersonville Prison in the Civil War and he was going to Pennsylvania. He told his girl in a letter, "I'll understand if I should stay on the stagecoach. But if I shouldn't, tie a big yellow handkerchief on the big oak tree outside of town. Andthen I'll know if it's there, I should get off, but I'll understand that you found someone else in the last three years."He couldn't bear to look at it himself. So he told the other people in the stagecoach and the driver to please look. … When they got to the big oak tree, everybody yelled and screamed. He looked out the window, and it was covered with yellow handkerchiefs. A chill went up my neck. I said, "My God!"… I said, "Boy, that would make a great song."

So, the next morning I drove the 33 miles up to Irwin Levine's house and went outside behind his home. He had a little above-ground round pool, you've seen those things. It was late May and I said, "How's the water, Irwin?" He said, "It's beautiful brown." Irwin had a kind of a strange sense of humor. AndI stripped down to my shorts and I dove in. It was like 11 degrees.

BH: Of courseit was.

LRB: Then he was screaming and laughing, and he had to cover me in a towel. He said, "Let's write." I said, "Well, before we write, let me tell you a story." He said, "Brown, I don't want to hear any more your stories. I just want to write a song today." I said, "Let me tell it." He says, "Tell it fast."

BH: Thank God he indulged you.

LRB:I told him the story I just told you. And he said, “I've got chills up my arms.Tell it again slower." So, I told it again, and he said, "Handkerchiefs? You blow your nose in them. That's disgusting." I said, “What can we do?" He said, "Let's change it to a ribbon.”

Having agreed that handkerchiefs were not the right word, I agreed with him ribbons was a great idea, and stagecoach became a bus, and I said to him, "Irwin, what do you think we should call it?"

And he said, "Let's call it 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole" ... O-l-e, he wanted it to be ole oak tree. At which point in time I was shivering from the pool, I picked up my guitar and I actually sang the first verse and chorus right off the top.

BH:(Laughs)I'm not going to cry.

LRB: Then when I got to the end of it he said, "Brown,write that down and write this down." In time, we listened to it back, (and) we jumped up and gave each other a high-five. We knew we had done something we loved. Then we took it to New York for 11 months, and everybody laughed at us.

BH: You've written 'Yellow Ribbon' and nobody cares?

RB: My idea was to play it for Ringo Starr. So, I went to Apple Records because anybody would listen to us because we had big hits.

BH: Right.

RB: And when I got to the chorus, this man — whose name I won't mention anymore, it's not nice — he deadened the (guitar) strings and said, "How dare you come and play me garbage like this about a ribbon in a tree. When you have something good to play, come back and see us." … So finally, in desperation, we went to Hank Medress, who produced "Knock Three Times."

Story Behind the Song: 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon' (1)

Story Behind the Song: 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon' (2)

Story Behind the Song: 'Knock Three Times'

Story Behind the Song: 'Knock Three Times'

Dave Paulson, Nashville Tennessean

And he heard it, and he had these big, thick Coke bottle eyeglasses, and his eyes used to twirl. He was a brilliant man. When we got to the end of it, he didn't make a face and all of a sudden, he just jumped up and said, "Smash! I'm cutting it with Tony (Orlando).”

… Finally they put "Yellow Ribbon"out, and the first time we heard it we were driving up out of the Lincoln Tunnel. There's a thing called "The Corkscrew,"it goes to the parkway, and we heard it coming in with a 50,000-wattclear-channel station —WKBW in Buffalo. And when it stopped, the DJ said, "Please stop calling the station. You're burning out the switchboard."

About the series

In partnership with Nashville Songwriters Association International, each edition of Story Behind the Song features an interview withNashville-connected songwriters about one of their songs.

Story Behind the Song: 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon' (2025)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.